Example sentences of "[verb] [that] it is important " in BNC.

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1 I am anxious to find common ground in the country on this matter and I strongly suggest that it is important that that common ground is found .
2 We say that it is important to the general stress erm of the structure plan .
3 In deploring this latest IRA atrocity , and hoping that those responsible will be brought to justice — like all those , from both sides in Northern Ireland , who carry out squalid murders — may I ask whether the Secretary of State agrees that it is important that we do not play into the hands of the Provisional IRA by following policies which , although the IRA deny it , they want for propaganda purposes in the Republic of Ireland and the United States ?
4 He says that it is important for partners in the smaller firm always to ensure that they will be adequately represented in the combined firm 's management structure .
5 He is quite decided that it is important that we all go to the one service although I feel that if we covered both services then we would not miss out on anything .
6 He is a good cook , believing that it is important for men to learn to cook so that if they marry a woman not too well versed in the culinary arts , they will still survive !
7 I am at one with the hon. Gentleman in believing that it is important that we develop such a policy — but neither he nor I , nor anyone else , can say that any particular state of agriculture is frozen .
8 Having said that it is important to point out that there is no one correct standing position .
9 When the doctor confirms that it is important to provide care , or when too much anxiety is felt in leaving an elderly person alone , the time has come to consider alternative options .
10 ‘ History shows that it is important to be on the inside of institution building in the EC .
11 Although this issue has raised the passions of taxonomists , I can not see that it is important .
12 Er , so you can say that er Mr is a friend of pensioner 's , he said , he said he would be prepared to , what I , I , I approached him and said er , what about Harlow Caring Council , are they prepared to assist the pensioners in any way or do they wish to join in on this , oh yes he said , of course Norman he said , how much are you paying er Ron I said well his asking forty pound for the , for the morning , oh he said I 'll go half way with that , then he came out and said to me , pull me up afterwards and ask me to go to leisure services about the Tuesday , and so I 'm still following that up and hopefully we will have two days on pensioner 's week , because you want to have as much impact as possible and in a few moments , when I nearly finished here , I shall be reading you something where you 'll see that it is important that we make an impact on the people of Harlow .
13 With regard to the audience for children 's project work , it is becoming widely agreed that it is important for children to learn to take into account their potential audience when they are producing written work .
14 My Lords for reasons that have already been explained to Your Lordships and which I will not pursue yet for , er it seems that everybody 's agreed that it is important that the erm local authority representatives should be in the majority and I have to admit that my amendments do not go that far because I was concentrating on getting the magistrates back where they ought to be , er but er that is one thing , the other is that it er was an interesting point that er the Noble Lord , Lord of Greenwich raised , that my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw er at columns four eighty and four eight one er questioned whether it was indeed appropriate that er the Home Secretary should make these appointments .
15 However , we all know that it is important and that it is the driving force of structure .
16 The giving of these notices at the proper times is important because they enable your council to inspect your work , to ensure that it is important because they enable your council to inspect your work , to ensure that it is satisfactory before being covered up .
17 Now I acknowledge that this kind of exegesis might be disturbing for some , but I believe that it is important for us as modern Christians to feel the force of this criticism which has thrown fresh light on the Scriptures as we have received them .
18 I believe that it is important that we are able to offer our members timely and constructive assistance , and that we encourage new ways of working which facilitate greater choice and effectiveness .
19 Those who believe that it is important to consider the structure of the market rather than the behaviour of firms argue that it is far better to deal with problems before they arise .
20 We therefore believe that it is important to meet as many as possible , if not all , of the consultants before shortlisting , preferably together for a show of unity .
21 I believe that it is important in most cases for each language to have parity ; a language studied as a subsidiary subject seldom reaches a proper university standard .
22 We believe that it is important to establish the management that results in optimal outcome for these infants and also to examine the complex mechanisms concerned , including blood volume changes and haemodynamic effects on systemic and pulmonary circulations .
23 I believe that it is important to be open to these sorts of dilemmas , to take opportunities to talk about them with colleagues , to try to become precise in our articulations , because then it is possible to unlock the blocked energy and exploit it positively .
24 We do , of course , constantly keep these matters under review and I believe that it is important that we continue to do so .
25 The increase in complaints may have something to do with the fact that we believe that it is important that if someone has not received the care to which he thinks he is entitled from the NHS , his right to complain should not be a well-kept secret , as has too often happened in the past .
26 Note : The authors believe that it is important that we encourage students to understand the relationships involved and not concentrate on calculating ratios which they frequently do n't understand and can not interpret because they have not fully understood why a ratio is calculated or the relationships which the ratio expresses .
27 While we believe that it is important to continue researching and improving existing products , we also devote more than 50 per cent of our Research and Development resource to developing new products , pushing back the frontiers of technology .
28 With regard to these countries , the study finds that it is important that they do not attempt to keep their existing inter-industry specialisation as many of them are in low value added and labour-intensive sectors , and therefore face strong competition from the LDCs .
29 I have therefore devoted little space to the problem in this study , but those who feel that it is important might well look at Dr Johnson 's comments on Macbeth — he disliked ‘ the Butcher 's knife ’ — and also at the correspondence between Gerard Manley Hopkins and Robert Bridges .
30 I also feel that it is important to have plants growing in the aquarium and/or algae depending on what is found in the fish 's natural habitat .
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