Example sentences of "[verb] [that] it be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is generally supposed that it was at Thurgarton .
2 ‘ without going into further detail I respectfully suggest that it is on any view wrong to introduce into this branch of the criminal law questions whether particular contracts are void or voidable on the ground of mistake or fraud or whether any mistake is sufficiently fundamental to vitiate a contract .
3 I respectfully suggest that it is on any view wrong to introduce into this branch of the criminal law questions whether particular contracts are void or voidable on the ground of mistake or fraud or whether any mistake is sufficiently fundamental to vitiate a contract .
4 These results may be due to chance , but the figures suggest that it is worth trying to do semi-automatic correction .
5 Various ways of studying water strongly suggest that it is in a similar category — that is , it is a fluid containing clusters of water polymers of varying sizes which are continually changing and reforming .
6 Rare coloured propaganda photographs suggest that it was of a warm mid-brown shade .
7 I do n't know that it 's for or against that he dotes on his wife .
8 Ask anyone about vitamin C and they will be able to tell you that it is found in oranges — but would they also know that it is in melons and tomatoes ?
9 When a young cat approaches an adult for play , letting it know that it is in a relaxed mood and accepts its subordinate social position .
10 When a sick cat is approached by a dominant one , letting it know that it is in a weak , non-hostile mood .
11 No animal can know that it is in a current unless there is some stationary object , such as a river bank , to serve as a reference point .
12 Little did they know that it was for the pocket of Mr S. Caplan .
13 Just another wartime control tower , readers may think , but fans of the famed 1940s bandleader Glenn Miller will know that it was from Twinwoods , Beds , that Miller , then a Major in the USAAF and in charge of the American Band of the AEF , departed in a UC–64 Norseman on December 15 , 1944 for Paris — never to be seen again .
14 ‘ I do n't doubt that it is within your ability . ’
15 Q.T 's are also reminded that it is through their efforts that class members see the range of goods we now sell ( a price list is attached .
16 BCRS members of all people will understand something of the geography and communications of the area , and will , I am sure , be interested to know that it was to the Stone House that our Secretary was taken after his recent heart attack . )
17 The Holy Father emphasises that it is through addressing the concerns of the poor … responding at a human level to the results of poverty and questioning , at many levels , the causes of poverty … that peace , with justice , can be achieved .
18 Cody maintained that it was in tension and had provided a wire .
19 In 1950 a polled Finnish bull was imported — and more than one Irishman has claimed that it was in fact an Irish Moiled , in the firm belief that all polled Scandinavian cattle were descended from polled Irish cattle seized by raiding Norsemen and Danes .
20 If you need to use that facility , and I emphasize that it is for emergency use only , your contact at Voice of America is Felix Klamin . ’
21 — Dashing half the blood of sacrifice ( verse 6 ) against the altar signifies that it is by means of shed blood that the people can come into the presence of God .
22 You beg , steal or borrow £1,000 , then get your bank to certify that it 's in your account before you return the cash .
23 We must ensure that farmers realise that it is in their interests to restore the habitat and hedges .
24 It was a kind of verse at which he himself excelled — there are those who say that it is to be found just under the surface of some of his apparently " serious " poetry — and Old Possum 's Book of Practical Cats has the spirit , if not the content , of the Bolovian stanzas which he had been writing since his early twenties .
25 ‘ Our legends say that it was at the same time as the great Ebony Throne of Ireland . ’
26 His notes say that it was in 1924 , but it must have been sooner , probably 1921 or 1922 , because he was back in South Africa in time to get married in 1923 .
27 even such persons who worry about the ‘ lost ’ of land as Erik Eckholm , acknowledge that it is in our power to have more land if there is a will to work for it .
28 In such circumstances the pool should be placed in a more amenable situation and , by the careful dispersal of excavated soil made to appear that it is in fact lower than it really is .
29 Husameddin , however , writes that it was in Amasya , not Aksaray , that Molla Fenari studied with Cemaleddin Aksarayi , saying that it is known from several documents that Cemaleddin Aksarayi was , between 751 and 782 [ sic ] ( 1350–1 to 1380–1 ) , muderris in Amasya and kazasker under the emir of Amasya , Hajji Shadgeldi .
30 * The animal rights group , Lynx , has reported that it is on the verge of financial collapse because of the costs of defending a long-running libel action by a fur farm and a decline in contributions due to the recession in Britain .
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