Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [pron] [modal v] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is commonplace to find sufferers from alcoholism or drug addiction denying that they may themselves have food , nicotine or caffeine addictions or other compulsive behaviours and they may even deny that these other addictions are " real " addictions at all .
2 On Oct. 29 Walesa proposed that he should himself serve as both President and Prime Minister for a guaranteed two years .
3 but you 'd want to be able to know that you can I do n't know , I mean , I , I think , with , with the place I am now I just do n't know what to make of it really
4 The antipathy towards him was so widespread on the right wing of the party that Norman Tebbit announced that he would himself be a leadership contender if Mrs Thatcher were to resign .
5 Wycliffe said : ‘ Have you thought that you may yourself be in danger ? ’
6 If there is more to be achieved in this forum , then I think my clients would like to fight for it because we we do believe that we would we do believe that logic and technical sense stands against the proposal that 's in the structure plan at the moment .
7 Three years later , in 1621 , the king declared that he would himself undertake the drainage of the Fens for a recompense of 120,000 acres ; and in that year , there arrived in England a Dutchman who was destined to become one of the greatest architects of the English landscape .
8 We could n't have anticipated that one could we ?
9 Dyson had expected to find the television studios a blaze of activity in the middle of the evening viewing hours , and humbly anticipated that he would himself be treated as a completely unimportant part of the machine-jostled indifferently in the corridors by actors , musicians , and cameramen , sighed at offensively in the studio by the technicians and professionals .
10 I suspect that there 'll there 'd been a certain amount of alienation for a long time things that the men had to accept because the people with the money and therefore the power said that they had to you know a I think quarry men are very proud on one level great sort of craftsmen in a way and erm I 'm sure that you know th the last couple of years well I 've heard them say really tha that there 'd been things niggling them with the management but I suppose this was just like a blatant smack in the face and they realize that if they accepted this if they let the management walk all over them this was the thin end of the wedge you know that .
11 Right , it should n't be my responsibility to do that it should it should be accepted that it 's gon na be done .
12 Several local objections state that the planning applications for the dwelling at the northern end of the site and the Council implied that they would they would reconsider applications which site .
13 By the time that Colt 's father had warmed a broth to take upstairs with the scrambled egg and toast that he would himself eat for his supper , the letter to his son would have been delivered to the Colonel 's department .
14 Also I mean that means that you might you know maybe Jan will say yeah okay as long as you you know .
15 Now you 'll recall I said that we will we will try and isolate try and isolate throughout the afternoon those things which are going to be useful to you .
16 that we did agree that we would we would we would go along with so erm
17 I think that we should accept th that this island in which we live is in effect becoming smaller day-by-day , as it is becoming more and more open er we should accept that its population is becoming perhaps with the assistance of a little advice from myself from time-to-time , rather more mobile than it used to be and I must say that we should I think all accept and I 'm sure we do that criminals do not have any particular respect for local authority boundaries er indeed the existence of the motorway system er despite the M25 does encourage mobility of crime and criminals to a very great extent .
18 Erm if the if the figure were for example forty one thousand , er would you still say that there should we 'd be putting the brakes on the train on too hard ?
19 Oh you would n't go , well I would n't say that you could my father would 've half killed us
20 Without directly embracing the ‘ protection ’ element in this argument , it can be suggested that there should he a duty on the man to ask the girl about her age before entering into sexual relations , even though the answers may be untruthful in some cases .
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