Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 In November 1989 Secord had pleaded guilty to a felony charge of making a false statement to congressional investigators by denying that he knew that funds from the Iran-contra operation had been used to instal a security system at the house of Oliver North .
2 But all Anselm 's actions , both under Rufus and Henry I , suggest that he thought that too much importance was being attached to the disputed ceremonies , and that the real problems of religious life were at the level of personal attitudes and motives known in the last resort only to God .
3 With regard to the right hon. Gentleman 's earlier remarks about opting in , I suggest that he discusses that matter with his right hon. Friends who would have signed the treaty in full without waiting to see what the economic conditions were at a later stage .
4 The inspector adds that he thinks that ’ the Force was in a parlous state in 1990 . ’
5 Whilst what is meant by ‘ organised backlash ’ is never made clear , it is probably not unreasonable to infer that it implies that it occurred after 1968 and within a limited historical period .
6 French maintained that he thought that the safety catch was on and that he had been struck a blow on the back of the head which had caused him to stagger and pull the trigger .
7 There would still be the difference between the two sections that , whereas section 5 plainly places the probative burden on the defendant , under section 4 , the defendant would have no more than an evidentiary burden to raise the issue , in which case it would be for the prosecutor to establish that he knew that witnesses were present .
8 Now Regan 's response to this , exemplified in the imbecile 's fear , would be to insist that since ordinary usage almost seems to demand that we describe that unfortunate as recognising a snake , and because this is only possible of someone who holds the necessary beliefs , then he must hold them somehow and somewhere .
9 As the problem which prompted the question has been resolved by the Inland Revenue , will my hon. Friend pass on to its staff the thanks of many Members of Parliament for dealing with issues that we have raised on behalf of our constituents and say that we hope that the problems will continue to decline as tax rates come down rather than go up ?
10 ‘ And they say that everyone knew that Dierdriu would never be faithful to one man .
11 Some such philosophers say that one notices that something is white through noticing its resemblance to other things .
12 Also , I 'd like to come over all clichéd now and say that it seems that you do get what you pay for , and while the Hohner is a very capable bass I would personally bypass this mid-price level and put the money to something else .
13 I can do no more here than say that I believe that they illuminate some of the processes whereby females come to wish to disassociate themselves from mathematics and other scientific and/or technical activities .
14 Tutors also reported that they felt that Access students compared well with other students .
15 To my great surprise and that of everyone else , I found that it meant that black holes are not completely black .
16 Several subjects reported that they felt that they would be able to give far more information if they were permitted to recall the junctions in the order in which they had been driven .
17 Listening to the R5 commentary I did n't think that we played that well ( better than Norwich … but they were at home & they 're shit there usually ! ) .
18 I would prefer that we accepted that Stella 's original notes defines the responsibility for forms literally for all the time .
19 A further 14 per cent of pupils gave answers suggesting that they thought that the left hand end of the line represented either 0 or I. Whether this is due to a conceptual difficulty or a casual approach was not established .
20 However , it will say that everything is being done to see that whatever attempts that are made on the whereabouts of its disclosures will be judged by their predicament and a positive answer will be prepared .
21 While I stress that we believe that the safest limit is no alcohol at all , we should be reluctant to see the Metropolitan police in London entering railway property willy-nilly to enforce the provisions of the Bill .
22 I stress that I understand that the regulations will be general and that highway authorities will be given discretion to interpret them in the most appropriate way .
23 The most constructive move was when Linda Bellos stood up and announced that she thought that the group was a complete waste of time unless it had power , and to have power it would have to be a Council Committee with the right to interfere in all other committees .
24 But she added that she understood that AT&T was interested in setting up a competitor to Telecom Eireann .
25 But er , Danny says that they said that they were
26 Other hospitals will also bring their rubbish to be burnt in Gloucester — the hospital says that it hopes that as far as local people are concerned waste wo n't now be a dirty word .
27 He says that it shows that staff acted properly .
28 Although the Shorter Oxford Dictionary says that it means that the person has drunk ‘ intoxicating liquor to an extent which affects steady self-control , ’ it is arguable that the person must have taken intoxicating liquor to excess so that he has lost the power of self control .
29 She says that she hopes that in the end another by-pass scheme will result from the conference .
30 She says that she thinks that once she 's back in the States , her husband will continue to harrass her .
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