Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [pron] hold [art] " in BNC.

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1 Our journeys on the whiteboard suggest that it holds the key to our concepts of beauty .
2 Whistling softly to himself , Richmann drew his Steyr automatic from its holster beneath his leather jacket , checking that it held a full magazine .
3 I blinked and looked up at her face again , to find that it held an icy glare .
4 Carloman , however had been born after Pepin had been crowned king in his own right and so considered that he held a superior claim to kingship .
5 ‘ Important to whom — to Master Peachey ? ’ demanded Anne , thereby suggesting that she held the opinions of their tutor in contempt .
6 The Arundel-trained colt came to the course having shown up so well on his home gallops that he held a Royal Ascot date .
7 For a second I thought he was going to hit me , but then he reached into his jacket pocket and brought out a wallet that he unfolded and thrust towards me , giving me just enough time to see that he held the rank of chief inspector , one of the highest ranks in the Bahamian police force , then the wallet was snapped shut and Deacon Billingsley moved to stand very close to me , so close that I could smell the cigar smoke on his breath .
8 I have found a five-acre lake which has both deep and shallow water and I have heard that it holds a good head of carp averaging 8lb to 14lb with a distinct possibility of a 20-pounder .
9 Florence says that he held a meeting at London , and asked the witnesses of his agreement with Edmund whether the latter 's brothers and sons were entitled to succeed him .
10 [ In fact Rey , ] who is beyond my congratulation for his talents as conducteur , hardly any longer lets us perceive that he holds a baton .
11 And of course it is the whole modernity of the image which strikes us as revealing , and reflects the fluidity in Rey suggested above by ‘ G … ’ in the Courrier des spectacles ( 1800 ) : he ‘ hardly any longer lets us perceive that he holds a baton ’ .
12 ‘ Your vassals will come to you for justice , and you can not expect them to accept your judgement if it can be seen that you hold the Yasa in contempt . ’
13 Taskopruzade does not mention any successor to Tursun Fakih , nor does he seem to describe the activities of any other scholar of the relevant period in such a way as to suggest that he held the office of Mufti .
14 By the thin moonlight that filtered in through the frosted glass on the front door , Liz could see that he held a silenced gun , and that its calibre was high .
15 It took Mr Gorbachev a year or two to perceive that he held a hopelessly weak hand — that the Soviet Union could not possibly match the enormous economic and technological resources Mr Reagan commanded and was prepared to employ , including the much-maligned Strategic Defence Initiative , which Mr Shultz strongly supported .
16 The pilot 's licence and log-book showed that he held a valid medical certificate but his last recorded Certificate of Experience ( valid for thirteen months ) had been signed in March 1986 .
17 One would not suggest that they did not hold the Muftilik , but one can suggest that they held a very different kind of Muftilik from that held by Fahreddin Acemi .
18 Bede presents Aethelred as abdicating to become a monk in 704 after a reign of thirty years ( HE V , 24 ) , but the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A ( s.a. 704 ) states that he held the kingdom for twenty-nine years , that is , he died in his thirtieth year .
19 Its urgent overall rhythm commands the choreographer to keep the dancers moving forever onwards with greater intensity to the climax , whilst the shorter phrase rhythms give the Chosen Maiden and smaller groups such ways of moving that they hold the audience 's full attention until the fall of the curtain .
20 ‘ Good morning , Rickie , ’ I said loudly , wanting to demonstrate that I held no grudge for his behaviour in the night .
21 ‘ They insisted that they held the meeting at a place of their choosing and only told us at the last minute .
22 The government insisted that it held no political prisoners .
23 The Group operated primarily in [ location ] where it is estimated that it holds a 16% share of the replacement window market , above that of any competitor .
24 Taskopruzade 's statement about the three posts is ambiguous in this respect , although his assertion that Molla Fenari was unable to make fair copies of a number of his works because of his duties as kadi , muderris and Mufti might be taken to imply that he held the posts simultaneously .
25 There will be a Raffle as on previous such occasions and to raise funds for this it was suggested that we hold a ‘ Bring and Buy ’ home produce and cake sale at the October Q.T. Day .
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