Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] always [been] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is also to the point to note that the concept ‘ gas ’ has not always been available .
2 Even in Europe their experience has not always been encouraging .
3 In their defence , however , it has to be admitted that the drafting of contracts has not always been perfect , particularly in the simpler forms , where clarity has sometimes been sacrificed to brevity .
4 Despite efforts by staff to integrate different issues as far as an individual is concerned this has not always been possible given the present working practice , locations and procedures .
5 It has not always been easy for those working class voters who see the Greens as an undisciplined bunch , inimical to the interests of industrial society , to keep up with the SPD 's enthusiastic appetite for environmental matters .
6 Now it has not always been easy to warm to England 's rugby followers , whose customary note is somewhere between a bray and a bellow .
7 The precise number of evening papers has not always been easy to fix , since some of those with distinct names ( such as the Evening Mail of Sandwell and Dudley in the late 1970s ) were in fact local versions of a ‘ series ’ title ( in this case , the Birmingham Mail ) .
8 Reconciling the desires of the individual and the cohesiveness of the community has not always been easy .
9 but it has not always been easy .
10 Deciding who will join their ranks is just one of the questions the cooperative members have had to get to grips with ; learning self-management has not always been easy .
11 However , we recognise that the church has not always been democratic and that at times we have been insensitive to violations of basic human rights even within the church .
12 Accounting for some of the new instruments has not always been uniform , and a variety of arguments have been advanced to justify differing treatments .
13 It has not always been obvious that the natural way to classify animals was hierarchical .
14 Secondly , a continuing and , in some ways , irresolvable problem is how to balance the twin aims of conservation and recreation since , despite the Sandford recommendations , it has not always been clear where the emphasis should be ( Cripps 1980 ) .
15 YOUTH hostelling , in my experience , has not always been plain sailing .
16 Though the earth has always had poles of rotation , the polar environment has not always been cold ( Chapter 1 ) .
17 The relationship between research , policy and practice is not smooth and its past history with regard to social services for children has not always been happy .
18 Iveco has not always been this integrated .
19 Their reputation amongst Europeans has not always been high .
20 Teamwork is paramount in any sphere of operation but something which has not always been evident in the past .
21 The owner Janet Stokes says , ‘ Of course , it has n't always been easy for Karen .
22 WHILE BRYAN AND KEITH are now enjoying the fruits of success , it has n't always been easy .
23 It has n't always been easy but I 've always kept my self-respect , and I have n't let anybody take that away .
24 It had not always been possible for him to observe the phenomenon on his own .
25 But life had not always been that way with Moby .
26 As the available range of leisure activities expanded such people were less interested in the convivial aspects of Friendly Society membership and more concerned with safe insurance , which Friendly Societies had not always been able to guarantee .
27 If the Secretary of State had regularly taken the governors ' advice about appointments , patronage might have been used to control the assemblies — some governors , notably in Massachusetts , were able to get their own way in their assemblies much more often in wartime and , while this was partly due to patriotism and partly due to fear of the French , it does appear that war contracts could build support in what had not always been promising soil for the governors .
28 The PUK had not always been devoid of outside help , having at one stage been supported by Syria before entering into negotiations with Baghdad in 1984 for a new deal for Iraqi Kurds to improve on the Autonomous Region status conceded them under a mosaic of earlier legislation .
29 It had n't always been that way .
30 An experienced Substitute Prosecutor who would stand by him if things got tricky … and he had n't always been lucky .
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