Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The level of giving has not increased in real terms at all significantly in the late 1980s despite attempts to increase its attractiveness through various tax reliefs .
2 Pleas from the Prince of Wales for corporate help to rebuild the inner cities has not fallen on deaf ears .
3 These complications often coexisted and with the exception of pelvic sepsis , their incidence has not fallen with increased experience with the operation .
4 However , the preference for a ‘ local ’ authority has not led to local government control , considered appropriate for social services .
5 Even with this limitation , however , and even given the fact that the Court in this case says by way of principle little that it has not said in previous cases , one should not underestimate the impact of this new illustration of the Court 's conception of the reach of the Directive in terms of the nature of the activities it covers .
6 It is on its way out , but it has not gone for good — yet .
7 Parker has not played in United 's last five matches after picking up a hamstring strain on March 14 .
8 The model suggested has not met with widespread acceptance .
9 Your Committee , far from hibernating , has not ceased from mental strife , nor has its sword slept in its hand , if we have not yet built Jerusalem , we have at least laid siege to the walls of Jericho in the shape of Crestacare Management .
10 But we er are welcoming the fact that there is a recognition of the rising population of Wales er in giving us this er this additional seat er primarily the additional population has not come in industrial South Wales which er er which er people think of perhaps as the most typically Welsh area , it 's actually in two counties of Clwyd and Dyfed that are erm growing most rapidly because of lifestyle migration , retirement migration erm into those two areas and that is why the additional seat , if you can put it that way , er takes from all the other four of course , is is the mid and West Wales seat which has been compared by the honourable member for Cornwall er tonight and it has only got a population of four hundred and one thousand but on the other hand of course it is such an extensive seat because the population sparsity in that area is much , much worse than even in Cornwall and therefore it is going to stretch from South of Milford Haven to the Llanrwst area really within probably twenty miles of the North Wales coast , it 's a who it 's the whole of two counties plus one additional very badly populated constituency erm in in the county of Gwynedd , an awkward constituency but one that we are certainly looking forward fighting and winning to give us the five out of five er now that er the boundaries are going through tonight and obviously it 's all in line really er to look at the other , the third order of course , the question of the registration of overseas voters in the nineteen ninety two election overseas voters had their first opportunity to participate in Westminster elections .
11 An economic Policy is what the Government has not had since Black Wednesday , although the Autumn Statement on Thursday will hopefully change that .
12 Despite having coached Northerns so well in tandem with Williams in the late Eighties , Eugene Van Wyk was refused and Ian Kirkpatrick , who has not coached at provincial level for at least a decade , has been named .
13 Although the marketing operation has not started in earnest yet , the company says it is close to clinching a deal on 24 shop units .
14 The enormous expansion of higher education since 1960 has arguably provided a further extension of opportunity , but it has not succeeded in developing parity of esteem with universities for institutions supposed to be concentrating on vocational and technical education — an aspect which , once again , has invited numerous international comparisons [ Postan , 1967 ; Robbins , 1963 ] .
15 But the Bank recently published a paper called : ‘ Why structural adjustment has not succeeded in Sub-Saharan Africa ’ .
16 It has not allowed for public discussion or exchanges in which people can ask questions and receive answers from those who undertook the research .
17 Although he has always given strong leadership , Jan Hoet has not acted by divine right but more like a president , encouraging an on-going debate between the exhibition 's four curators .
18 This , in turn , means that all titles must sell internationally : ‘ To date have n't had one book that has n't gone into foreign editions . ’
19 In the wake of your SHOCK HEADED PETERS piece , I think you should know that Karl Blake has n't worked for British Rail for the past year and a half and is currently an art student in Sheffield .
20 The eggs of other frogs and toads not adapted to ephemeral pools may take as long as six weeks to hatch .
21 Exactly how it happened we still do not known for sure but you can find examples of the kind of organisms it produced in almost any patch of fresh water .
22 Well anyway erm they it was interesting , they all seemed rather positive and the reason they were positive is because they perceive him as classless , as somebody who 's actually come up the hard way , who 's experienced the down side of life and who 's nevertheless , through hard work and perseverance and so on , triumphed over that , and actually reached the highest post in the land , and erm they seemed to feel that there was a erm that this was a good thing , that somebody who 's had experience of erm the less privileged side of life , somebody who , and I quote ‘ was n't born with a silver spoon in is mouth , and did n't got to public school and that sort of thing knows more about what 's life for the average person ’ and I agree with that .
23 His decision to sacrifice the newspaper to MacQuillan rather than sacrifice the estate to the newspaper had not met with universal approval , but he did not let that trouble him .
24 He said the changes were unjustified because civil legal aid spending in Scotland had not increased in real terms from 1987-88 to 1991-92 .
25 Considering that Russia had not engaged in naval warfare for some 50 years and that its industrial economy had been almost totally destroyed during the war , it came as a considerable shock to discover that it was capable of building such a strikingly graceful , and powerful , class of warship .
26 Women had not emerged as equal partners with men in public life .
27 Rain noticed he had not argued about Sabine Jourdain 's role in painting the Durances .
28 The extent of royal jurisdiction varied enormously : at one extreme lay Roger II , the would-be autocrat , uttering absolutist doctrines out of Justinian ; or the English king , who , however tied by custom , had effective control both of the king 's court , which retained a wide jurisdiction and was capable , under Henry II , of rapid expansion , and over the old popular courts of the shire and , where they had not fallen into private hands , of the hundred ; at the other extreme was the German king , much of whose jurisdiction had been delegated to the ecclesiastical immunities , and equally much was slipping , in the twelfth century , into princely hands ; or the French king , who was expected to do high justice to all who came , but received comparatively few callers from outside the royal domain .
29 She complained that her children had apparently not been allowed access to a Baptist minister , but was told that they had not asked for religious support when it was offered .
30 Nevertheless , in early agricultural societies that had not developed into totalitarian welfare states child-rearing assumed a new and crucial importance which it had not possessed in the primeval hunter-gatherer societies ( except perhaps by default : that is , by not really existing as a means of cultural repression ) .
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