Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] but [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in but I dare not start on it just yet — the house must take priority .
2 In other words , syntactic analysis is always carried out but it may not be used in the interpretation of any particular sentence .
3 I 'd like to write back but I ca n't keep up with him .
4 They would they would never allow our men to go over but they would be there to take it .
5 It was half-past two before he pedalled on but I could go no further .
6 I had treaded in but you ca n't have treaded , still , oh a tyre is treaded is n't it ?
7 Really what I was saying is I , I think probably came over but I will rephrase it .
8 You can get I mean , it 's not connected up but you can have er you can have it connected it up to the ra , to the radio and get concerts through the stere
9 I was feeling pretty fed up but I should n't have said what I did .
10 Arguments amongst the girls would break out but they would be of a trivial nature to begin with .
11 His lips moved , and some noises came out but I could n't make sense of them .
12 A few people came by but I 'd swear no one saw me .
13 I was expecting that at any minute Mum would shout down to find out what was going on but she must have been preoccupied , trying on her new frock .
14 I think there 's a footpath to walk on but you can walk the other side of the road , will that do it ?
15 You can perform relaxation exercises lying down but we would prefer if you try initially sitting in a comfortable armchair .
16 I mean when , when , when she was home she could have spent the evening with us when all the children were there and joined in but she would n't , she cleared out back and that 's how Julie heard
17 a telephone call will tell you whether you 've the papers wo n't be drawn up but they will be able to tell him on through the phone whether it 's okay .
18 ‘ If it walls and closes out but you could maybe ride it , that 's thirty .
19 Now that the exchange rate is around the $1.40 to $1.45 mark there could be a case for going back but we might have the difficulty of seeming opportunistic .
20 No I 'm just thinking about erm next Tuesday , I 'm supposed to working , it turns out but I shall try and work it so that I can still come shopping with you , but I shall have to leave
21 Well , to me if a child has got a by all means encourage along but you should n't push them into anything cos later on in life they get a bloody complex about everything you know if they
22 He worked in but he used to go and relieve the sailors and firemen in the steam boats he used to go you know .
23 You may obviously you 're going to have two payments coming in but you may well find that you know they 're no longer on the same sort of day .
24 Now , the seminar session that I 'm going to run , we can eith we 'll have Jeannie set up but we can sort of kick off with a discussion about topics that you want to cover in the revision
25 The strip of ice was not broad enough to skate on but you could run over the crackling , frosty grass and leap onto it and slide the best part of thirty yards .
26 It 's certainly true that government guidance is far more guarded erm in its support for new settlements erm the guidance has has of course been touched on but I would adem emphasize the dates of this guidance , er P P G three , housing , March nineteen ninety two , P P G twelve , development plans and regional planning guidance , February nineteen ninety two , and draft P P G thirteen , May nineteen ninety three , just looking briefly at P P G three , erm P P G , and I think it 's fair to say that P P G three takes up far less welcoming stance than did the previous erm P P G erm it recognizes that new settlements are controversial , and that the scope is likely to be limited .
27 ‘ Others go over but I would n't set foot there even in the height of summer !
28 ‘ The Palace deal nearly went through but it would not have been the same as this , ’ said Phelan .
29 He added : ‘ I do n't want to see anyone sent off but you ca n't have tackles like that flying around . ’
30 I 'll drive you to Glasgow the minute the snow lets up but I 'll not hear a word about it . ’
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