Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] to [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Both were villages with large numbers of Hinkley workers and which , a few years before , could have been relied on to toe the company line .
2 It has come as a shock to realise that your magazine can no longer be relied on to present the relevant information in a straightforward factual manner .
3 Moreover , we may point out that even if corresponding attributive and predicative adjectives ( occurring with the same noun ) could be relied on to share the same referential locus , that would be no justification for leaping to an assertion that the two elements are actually " the same " tout court , and even less for claiming that the structural positions they occupy are alternative forms of each other .
4 … whether a valuation … is binding … must depend on the terms of the contract ( including any implied terms ) , on the nature of any circumstances relied on to vitiate the valuation , and the nature of the proceedings on which the issue arises .
5 I hold that on an appeal to the High Court under the Children Act 1989 the only findings of fact and the only reasons that may be relied on to support the decision of the justices under appeal , are those announced by the justices in accordance with rule 21 .
6 A member with a holding of a similar size will be quite unable to present a credible challenge to the board because in any contested vote the bulk of shareholders who bother to participate can be relied on to support the incumbent management team .
7 The curious facts of Ipswich v Fisons were being relied on to support the distinction .
8 But where the pre-existing obligation is a contractual duty owed to a third party , some other ground of public policy must be relied on to invalidate the consideration ( if otherwise legal ) …
9 Free-scoring Ally McCoist has a modest international record — only 13 goals from 43 games — and no-one else can be relied on to fire the bullets .
10 Cottle obliged his impractical friends with his habitual amused indulgence , and having sent Coleridge ‘ all that he had required , and more ’ , rode down to Clevedon the following day to pay his respects in person .
11 He 'd tell him , he 'd get his orders from the office , cos the Deputy Harbourmaster he would go down all the sound he sound in river and see what wanted taken out , then he 'd say to my father I 'll dredge at so and so belo below docksill and docksill what they used to do they used to , my father what he 'd do he 'd put stakes on the mud , a short stake and a long stake on account of the tide and he 'd , he 'd make an imaginary on that stake , then he 'd go ashore at Wolverston , phone up what have you got on your docksill , the fella might say it 's ten feet , well he 'd say right we 'll make that twenty feet , so that 's er , that 's what he used to work on to dredge the river .
12 The Governors referred back to Hamilton the matter of terms and of advertisements giving notice of the change , and with that was concluded the business of the last quarter of quartered years at the School .
13 The following sortie , on the 14/16th , was to bomb the synthetic oil plant at Merseburg-Leuna , diverting on its return to East Moor in Yorkshire along with other aircraft of the Squadron , returning back to base the following day .
14 Nevertheless I arranged to drive over to Strondonald the following Saturday afternoon and join him for tea .
15 We will pay you 2,000 for seeing through to completion the data files from the submitted ASCII files for the first four titles of Reading for English , 50% of this on signature of this letter and 50% on delivery .
16 A housewarming was impulsively decided on to mark the arrival of the new Alfoxden tenants , and on about 17 July Coleridge , seeking ‘ change of air ’ , arrived from Stowey in anticipation of the event .
17 The Department of Electrical Engineering , together with partners in Italy , Germany and Belgium , have developed training material for universities throughout Europe , passing on to others the benefits of Edinburgh 's first-rate research facilities in microelectronics .
18 The decade began with congress passing various bills that sought to cut off funding for the Vietnam War and in 1973 legislators moved on to pass the War Powers Act over president Nixon 's veto .
19 Having studied the sunspots and the solar prominences , in a race with the Frenchman P. J. C. Janssen , Lockyer then moved on to claim the existence of a new element in the sun , helium .
20 When we came down to breakfast the other guests were so absorbed in some news in the morning papers that they forgot the usual ragging of newlyweds .
21 My mother came up to London the very next day and told me that I was never to go home again , I was never to contact Sarah again and , above all , I was never , ever to see John again .
22 The counsellor , in a variety of ways , has to feed back to counsellees the impressions they give to others , and the way they ‘ come across ’ to other people .
23 In the period leading up to congress the campaign for political representation gathered momentum .
24 He emphasized that the laws opened up to Jews the possibility of their separate existence within Germany in all spheres of life , and renewed the command forbidding all ‘ individual actions ’ against Jews .
25 I was going back to London the next day ; the actor was staying on for another week .
26 More recent imports include Stearman N746BJ which , unusually , was actually flown across the Atlantic , arriving at Glasgow on July 30 and then flying on to Gamston the next day .
27 What languages did they draw on to fracture the earlier consensus and what historical forces enabled them to orchestrate their campaign as a national protest ?
28 They included gross and shifting uncertainties about money , great division of counsel in the General Assembly of the Company , fundamental differences of opinion between two at least of the engineers called on to survey the route , James Barnes and Thomas Telford , and , above all , the engineering of a very difficult route .
29 It is common commercial practice for the auditors of a private company to be called on to value the shares .
30 Mr Gandhi needs to win at least 200 seats nationally to be reasonably certain of being called on to form the next government .
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