Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] and [adv] all " in BNC.

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1 All sorts of people , Cypriot and Lebanese , wandered in and out all the time , sometimes escorted , sometimes not , and although El-Jorr seemed to know most of them , there were clearly some who had simply been told to drop in and introduce themselves .
2 We travel back and forth all the time between Canada and England , and my husband has been in nearly every country of the world on business .
3 From first thing in the morning until we closed at night , there were people drifting in and out all the time .
4 ‘ I get quite enough help — there 's people traipsing in and out all the time …
5 During the conference ( big cheeses from the State Department were dropping in and out all the time ) Mr Yavlinsky was told that , if his request were serious , it would need the imprimatur of both Mr Primakov and Mr Gorbachev .
6 And Peter and Sandy and they went back and forth all the Winter with that boat .
7 there 's a big gang of these big black and white things coming over so we 're giving the and then a big gang from this side 'd come over and then all the white swans 'd come over , god !
8 Time and patience won through and eventually all pins and nuts were removed .
9 It 'd only take a minute to get back and then all this would be over .
10 And they just pull down and there all flush , so they do n't get knocked .
11 and there 's a big air base there , where the big spy , the A W A C spy planes come in and out all the time and they worked constantly and the were going in like and there was a lot of military aircraft to be
12 whatever they were using as bait presumably some mackerel or something like that but , but as I was saying you could see it trailing through and then all , suddenly out of like nowhere this fish would come and like chase after it
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