Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] and [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then , when we realised and accepted the situation , I just got on and helped him with his fight . ’
2 She just got on and did it .
3 So we , we are not just creating capitalism per se we are building in that direction er but there will be elements of socialism there which we can then build on and take us forward .
4 You can fill in the results as the season goes on and re-print it whenever you update it .
5 Right I 've mentioned questions you 'll notice that we 've got money and retirement mister John from now most of you may have seen the name in various erm very good speaker John you 'll a you 'll appreciate ca n't really say enjoy his talk because he really goes on and gives you a lot of information you 'll appreciate it rather than enjoy it .
6 Yes she keep , goes on and do you know three times a day that poor dog walks
7 yeah so I said oh I see , so that was that , so I think they 've got a , a meeting in a couple of weeks and they 'll sort of tell her discreetly that she has to carry on and do it what she 's been the
8 In reality it 's all too easy to carry on and hope it will go away .
9 lay on and twist it and lay on you know .
10 But at some times your dilemma as a manager you say think well can he just stay on and nick us a goal knowing full well that if if he has he comes off it makes them fairly lightweight .
11 And it 's no good for her to go on and think she 's gon na get a little girl is it ?
12 What I did n't want to do at times was to overload , I wanted to start off with a time limit as we mean to go on and spread it out through the year and so I have put the important things which are to do with the quality system like internal quality audit erm , non- conformances , the corrective action , training and all stuff like that with an audit before and then things like contract print erm , I do n't think we are going to have any problems with I put those for after .
13 Come and sit down and tell me what 's been happening . ’
14 Come , sit down and tell me what is the cause of this extraordinary behaviour . ’
15 ‘ Please sit down and tell me why you wish to see me , ’ said Rose Maylie , looking with some surprise at this poor , rough girl from the streets .
16 Sit down and tell me about it . ’
17 ‘ Just sit down and tell us your story , ’ said Holmes kindly .
18 You sit down and tell us
19 ‘ Now come , Wilson , ’ he said , ‘ sit down and let us talk about this sensibly . ’
20 Sit down and shut it , ’ growled two or three men , but the women were crossing themselves already and knocking over their stools in turning round .
21 For example , does watching the television start when we turn it on or when we sit down and face it ?
22 Sit down and give me the time I need to explain everything to you ? ’
23 No I always sit down and do me work but sometimes people just distract me all the time .
24 Robbie says : ‘ Any problems we do have , we sit down and sort them out straight away because we 're in each others pockets all day and every day and it would n't do to fall out badly . ’
25 yeah so I mean he said we 're gon na have to go out for a drink and sit down and discuss it , you know
26 Sit down and finish it .
27 These committees have issued various guidelines ( on such matters as shareholders ' pre-emption rights , employee share incentive schemes , and discounts to market price on share issues ) which they require companies to follow if the institutions they represent are to be expected to invest in and support them .
28 On her arrival , you invite her to sit down and offer her a cup of tea or coffee , which will have a calming effect , and then , as gently as possible , you break the news , and offer every possible assistance for any arrangements she may have to make .
29 Erm and you might want to do that formally , you might a if you have pre-meetings with some of these people you might want to say that you are going to sit down and talk it through with me in advance ar and are they happy about that ?
30 He told us to sit down and served us vinegar-tasting wine .
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