Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [coord] you [be] " in BNC.

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1 And sixty is a bit much I think but if she you know if you want to go on and you 're really happy you can do anything you like with these thirty six and twenty four no problem there then go on and try sixty .
2 But surely the problem is that time 's cracking on and you 're gon na have to start thinking about the Taylor Report recommendations .
3 And then if you 've done that by next time got all them all written down and you 're quite happy and you want to go on and do some more try it with sixty pennies .
4 If the approval listings have been turned off and you are the approver and happy with the contents of the package you may proceed to approve the package immediately using option 1.5.3 — Grant/Deny Approval To Package .
5 ‘ I woke up and you were gone ; why did you leave ? ’
6 She offered a covenant to the Church if I came back or you were Confirmed in Faith .
7 It was like watching a film or a play and you 're totally caught up in what 's going on and you 're taken out of yourself and everything suddenly has colour and meaning and magic and you forget that outside the rain 's tippling down and tomorrow 's homework has n't been done and you 've got to wash the car to pay Dad back for the money you borrowed to come to the film because you were skint till the end of next week .
8 It 's happening now , it 's always progressing and it 's always going on and you 're never going to reach an end point , you 're never going to reach a final point , whereas with something like history , I find it 's interesting , but you 're always going over and analysing what 's happened , it 's that much more backward looking , whereas science applied has got more constructive .
9 Once the rink breaks through the surface everything happens far more quickly , you scramble in and you 're ready to sail again .
10 some support , you 're going in or you 're using one of the policy
11 you know it does n't mean to say that you 're wrong because you like to have a go or jump in and you 're not wrong if you like to have time to spend , there are no right or wrong styles and also what we ca n't associate the styles with , which people try to do sometimes is they try and identify the introverts and extroverts .
12 If you go rushing in and you 're in a thirty and you 're doing forty five they 'll all rush in with you .
13 There was no reason in terms of a a , a military position why you should n't have introduced land reform in , in the way that going through and you are moving into an area where as we 've seen landlordism was at its
14 If if the fire alarms going off and you 're in the ladies loo
15 You expect to be told off and you 're not .
16 Sun waking up and you 're waking
17 If you imagine the blood 's going round and you 're trying to get you know
18 Let's hope that by the time you get this issue of Machine Knitting Monthly , the weather has cheered up and you 're thinking of summer holidays .
19 They 've taken his dabs and examined the mallet , but we left it at that when we knew the Yard had been called in and you were on your way .
20 ‘ You 're not getting up and you 're not going out . ’
21 I said , ‘ You 're going to get mobbed coming in and you 're going to get mobbed going out , so you 'd better look good coming in and going out ’ .
22 yeah you 'll still get it to you , you 'll still get cancer with it cos er , it 's coming through and you 're still getting it on your chest
23 Boot up and you 're greeted with a friendly introductory screen .
24 Er , when you 're starting out and you 're not sure of all , of all the options .
25 Get yourself on the course that Paul went on and you 're gon na be getting the kit soon anyway , as part of the network , it wo n't give you stand alone , but you have to have somebody on the network
26 Erm but er when the war finished , when the war finished and the Home Guard stood down , I ca n't remember who was the mayor of Walsall at the time , but they had a reception in the town hall for the Home Guard and everyone that was in the Home Guard was invited before we hand before we st handed our uniforms in , was invited to attend and I must say with great pride that I was can still remember it now , that the wife and I went to the reception and I was in the uniform and it 'd be the mace bearer I presume that was at the door and he asked your name and er rank and he shouted out your name and rank when you went in and you was greeted by the mayor and mayoress inside the ves the hall of the town hall , and erm I mean er quite proud to be Corporal and Mrs you know and it I mean everyone that went , I mean their rank and name and who was with them , you know , was it was quite quite a er er quite a something of to look back to of interest that was , you know , when we stood down .
27 I thought we 're gon na so we came out of Paul 's place , behind Belmont Parade , up past the ponds there and that 's and I 'm knackered , I 'm going up river , had no you start at the bottom of Belmont Parade , up those ponds up to the traffic lights where you change buses , that 's all up hill and it 's slow , and you 've just started and you 're not warm and it 's like running out of here , running up that hill there , now you could run up that hill if you got , if you had sort of round a couple of times round nice , no one so more ready to go , you 'd run up there , you come out of here , run down here , not warm , feel you get , well I come out of there and , and you get , you go up past that set of traffic lights , you go up and you 're still struggling past The Bull , that 's still up hill , you get to the , just round that bend and it starts dropping down , and it 's a gradual drop down , below the roundabout and the next roundabout 's pretty level there , not too bad a roundabout , right the way across to Scades Hill , went down Scades Hill , right the way down to Alton , bottom of Alton high street , came out by the toilets at White Hart to High Street , up to house .
28 You know , I mean even at these diet clubs , oh well , you know do n't stop going out just eat what you , but if you go out and you 're eating sweets for you know , after your dinner
29 You know , it 's bloody rocking about and you 're on a ship and
30 I know we 've only a small garrison left , but he ca n't get in and you 're hardly a runaway slave , no matter what de Raimes intended in the past .
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