Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [pers pn] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In terms of an apparently satisfactory way of explaining what goes on we are far less confident than in the good old days of AIDA — but at least we know that AIDA was as inadequate as a theory as her operatic namesake was ill-starred in love .
2 going to sit down it were n't they ?
3 I have no idea how i it went around a up in the northern hemisphere , over Scandinavia , and Georgia 's in the south , so you 'd have think it 'd have been weak by the time it got down I 'm not a scientist , I have no idea what
4 Well the o , well more or less from the time we got in she 's not gon na go back to that place
5 And the other one , I think , when it shuts down it 's just sort of se a semi-sa er scan .
6 all the satellites hanging down it was very good the way it had all been done in , in that respect but what I found was the first bit was very boring , I found but when it got going a bit it was better but the whole moral of the story was that nowhere is perfect to live but it 's hard for y young children like this
7 And then about erm from about an hour , about half an hour later after we 'd sat down we 're just laughing our heads off because the gi , they 'd gone down the pub and we said no , we 'll have a quiet night in .
8 On the other hand , since she was trying to spell through she was probably simply putting together badly-remembered letters .
9 I tried a machine to express milk in the hospital but by the time the milk did start to come through she was really used to the bottle .
10 Also , when I went to stand up I was so whoozy that I just could n't keep my balance , so I slumped back down again .
11 Then reality started to move so fast that by the time he caught up it was all over and they were parked on the hard shoulder .
12 I nearly stood on a grouse once , when we were walking up I was n't walking with you , it was when we were with the Footpath Society .
13 Yeah , everyone who I spoke to spoke to I just send back it 's not that difficult but it is a bit difficult .
14 I , I still want to have the downward trend but I suspect until this is sorted out we 're not going to get you off it altogether .
15 ‘ When I found out they were still alive I was over the moon . ’
16 He kept thinking of how his Mum and Dad would be when they found out he was n't back , that he had n't come home with either of them .
17 And I found out he was n't difficult at all .
18 Perhaps she knew he wanted a son , perhaps she said her first marriage broke up because her first husband found out he was n't the father . ’
19 He had very short dark hair , a really cheeky young lad 's face and later I found out he was very funny .
20 That was when we found out you were down . ’
21 Barnett found out I was n't going to the course .
22 I nearly was n't gon na come tonight when I re , found out I was n't gon na Gary was n't coming to give us some like .
23 As I do not really wish to purchase a new knitting machine until I have a ‘ practise ’ run I was really pleased , that was until I found out it was no longer available .
24 She is quite bitter about what has happened , resentful at what she sees as the inconsistent attitudes towards pregnancy and teenage motherhood held by members of her family and other West Indian people and still upset at her father 's extreme change in attitude towards her when he found out she was not his daughter .
25 ‘ Not even if he found out she was less than perfect ? ’
26 You did n't have to be a genius to work out they were n't from the Lord 's Day Observance Society .
27 Sorry , I did n't mean to pull back it 's just that I want to hear what they 're talking about .
28 " The fact is , Chuck , " he said turning back to his older son , " Just seeing what 's happening around you is n't enough .
29 As well he might , she thought , if he suspected the dressing down she was about to give him .
30 ‘ She was such a beautiful little baby ; and because things were a bit easier by the time she came along she was always dressed in pretty clothes , not second-hand things and hand-me-downs as we were .
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