Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Erm then it goes on about quite a bit of this Erm perception and decoding of the speech style er talking about er Martin and Giles .
2 And this actually goes down to about a hundred and eighty horsepower in some applications .
3 Other symptoms were deemed to be present if they occurred on at least a quarter of the days or occasions , except that passage of mucus was taken as a symptom if it had ever occurred ( this being normal clinical practice ) .
4 They have come in for quite a bit of stick , particularly when they 've been dealing with rape cases .
5 Yeah , quite a high one so they have a big dam to give a good head water , a good height of water , and that water comes Drops down through quite a quite a height , and then they have a turbine sort of force it into a turbine with a turbine and it really spins that turbine th that 's joined top the alternator and makes the electricity .
6 While most of use were struggling to stay on the roads , the all-wheel-drive cars swanned along with barely a feather ruffled .
7 We were let through with barely a curled lip , and found ourselves in a foyer hardly smaller than a pyramid .
8 We also got unanimous sympathy for pissing on Spurs , but ending up with just a point .
9 Zurich has benefited in its search for profitable target markets from having a strong international network , built up over nearly a century , with operations in 40 countries .
10 The lovely smell of beer and tobacco smoke built up over almost a hundred years was being driven out by other smells : fresh paint , newly-glued-together plastic and fried food .
11 It adds up to quite an incentive for the ‘ King of the Park ’ Kenny McKinstry who will be bidding for an unprecedented sixth victory this year , and a second in a row in his Kaliber Subaru Legacy .
12 The last great campaign to revise social style — the so-called anti-spiritual pollution drive six years ago - petered out after only a few months when even the party leadership acknowledged it had more important things to worry about than enforcing short hair and dreary clothes .
13 ‘ I was walking back for over an hour through deserted streets .
14 It had been intended , purely and simply , as an insult , but it had come out with just a hint of that genuine curiosity that so unexpectedly had afflicted her just a moment before .
15 Not expected back for quite a while yet , I suppose ?
16 Initial domiciliary assessments are carried out by either a medical or a non-medical team member by using a semistructured schedule that guides them through the various clinical , functional , social , and other components of the assessment .
17 Distillation may be carried out in either a batch process , using a pot still , or a continuous process , using a patent or Coffey still .
18 Some of them were some had got old cars in where the tyres , if it was a puncture it was these great big wheels with beaded edge tyres which you can , you put on in quite a different way from the modern car tyres .
19 I came down with quite a thud , and hit my head on the stair post . ’
20 The company came in for quite a bit of stick with their new version of the Escort and if the Mondeo had not been well received they could have been in real trouble .
21 I could neither remain unemployed for eighteen months nor begin a new job now and break off after only a year .
22 On a purely practical note , all this added up to quite a bit in value and Ivy Cottage did not appear to have any extra locks or catches at the windows .
23 By 1660 , the mill had been built up to quite a substantial and sophisticated concern , now housing three pairs of fulling stocks , dye houses and shearing and warping rooms .
24 Racal 's share price suddenly shot up by almost a third , despite the fact that the partial flotation would have absolutely no effect on the already-excellent prospects for Vodafone .
25 She only did , them drama people came up with quite a lot ideas
26 Them drama people came up with quite a good id couple of good ideas .
27 and with regard to the three bedrooms do you actually need three bedrooms or if a a two bedroomed cottage came up with perhaps an extra room downstairs or something would that be okay ?
28 The approaches to market segmentation referred to above apply more naturally to consumer markets than to industrial markets , where an entire market may be made up of just a few customers .
29 A large proportion of a corpus is made up of only a few words ( about 25% of a corpus is made up of just 15 different words ) .
30 And it is a big let-down when they fizzle out with only a snap , crackle and pop .
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