Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [conj] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She thinks I do n't know what goes on and I do n't say anything .
2 They wo n't be able to go on if we do n't rest . "
3 ‘ He 'd schooled very well and although I had hoped for a lead for a bit longer , we had to go on where we did .
4 alright , well then building on that I do n't quite understand it , if you 're , you 're saying that those provisions that allow agents to pull for whatever funds are necessary are what , void to what extent to the extent that the funds are or are said to be erm needed to satisfy claims on policies which had you known that which you say you ought to have known , you would not have er authorised the agents to write , type rather long that , but I
5 You take rather a long time sometimes to find something that fits in but you do in the end . ’
6 ‘ Yes , such a day , and to stroll along as I did so many times in the old days .
7 Weaker areas are exposed dramatically when the market turns down as it did during 1992 .
8 Er the heating had broken down and I do n't know whether it was because of the heating or because of the tablets or whatever but they 're , they 're alright now .
9 Can I just say colleagues before you , you second the motion , there is this hubbub again that 's growing , I mean it seems to go down and I do n't know perhaps it 's like the tide but can we try and keep it a bit lower , especially when colleagues are trying to make a speech from the rostrum .
10 and moved on cos I do n't wan na spend any more time on it but
11 Oh yeah all the all the hits er like er Bunch of Time and and Maggie and Old Flames and after all these years , if did n't do those you 'd be shot afterwards like but er what we do with the songs that that were like you know hit singles and that people really come to hear we make sure that you know that we do those and then we put in er you know what we think would be the favourite ones from albums and then we add in a sprinkling of the stuff from the new album so you know we give them a good cross-section for an hour and a half and then we have a good first half of the show as well we 've got first half of the show as well and our band go on with him for forty minutes and er they perform as well a few soloists and er then Tony and myself come on and we do an hour and a half and we go right everything we do on stage we have recorded at some time , we do n't do something that we have n't recorded .
12 Yes it goes like that , like you say , you know , it 's come in and I did n't have nothing to lose and things were going well , then there 's been a bit of a lull and erm like I say , we 've worked hard and we 've like with following in on this save earlier on .
13 If you had n't come in when you did … ’
14 Her whole body relaxed when Beth told her with a measure of amusement , ‘ No , Peggy , but I might well have done if you had n't come in when you did . ’
15 So if Jimi had n't come along when he did , the guitar might not be half as popular an instrument as it is today . ’
16 If you had n't come along when you did … ’ she trailed off as she struggled to hold back the tears .
17 But what was nice about our little group was that we could we normally changed over if we did n't want to stick to the same job all the time .
18 It was just a reflex — I knew it had to come off and I did n't want them all fussing about it .
19 The car engine roared again and the red car moved off but it did n't go far .
20 he 'll he 'll catch up if you do
21 And if they really were the murderers , would they have been so foolish , after leaving Ayr and with Ross 's money in the car , to have picked up as they did two girls who had been stranded by their boy friends , and taken them to their homes in Kilmarnock ?
22 I used to have a load of homework to take home with me because I had to catch up but I did n't used to mind that .
23 It is very easy to pull out if it does get in the wrong place .
24 If Kit and Teresa had n't come back when they did … ’
25 ‘ Would n't be the first time your husband 's come back when you did n't expect him , would it ? ’
26 I say back that she does n't understand it .
27 I lied and shouted back that I did n't know where it was .
28 Questions like this may be asked by people who assume that you have the same sort of lifestyle as they do , or who are clumsily trying to find out whether you do .
29 ‘ It takes you two days and half of two nights to find out that you do n't know ? ’
30 I do n't know , I want to find out if I do really believe what I say I do and if I want the kind of life I say I do , and the only way to do that seems to be to get right away and try a straight career for a bit , just to see how I react . ’
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