Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Concentrate on just one of them , ’ he said , meeting Mach 's eyes .
2 ‘ I took her to a little friend 's birthday party yesterday — life when you 're almost two has to go on as near to normal as we can make it .
3 In one study , necropsy was undertaken in about half of the patients who died , and showed graft occlusion only in patients given aprotinin .
4 Yet we rub along well most of the time .
5 Then she laid down as many of the others as she could fit in the space .
6 Section 6 of the Act stipulated that all elementary schools had to have managers and laid down how many of these should be LEA representatives .
7 Once I got in well hungover at four in the afternoon when I should have been there at 11 .
8 Much footway damage is natural deterioration of course , but it has been estimated that overriding by vehicles is implicated in over half of the cases where planned maintenance work is carried out .
9 It can be the noisiest thing — like a building crashing down right next to you . ’
10 LICENSING difficulties may slow down the building of nuclear power plants in the United States , Britain and West Germany — but the French still press on almost untrammelled by objectors .
11 Today its cattle , found on about half of all Danish farms and reduced in recent years from more than 3 million to 2.5 million , are more typical of the plains of mainland northern Europe : they are large-framed , short-horned pied lowlands and Baltic reds .
12 The research will focus on just one of those research groups , and will trace the discovery and the published discovery claim .
13 Well , after all the fuss , life carried on as normal in Perth .
14 To make his point , he had taken her for a burger , nothing more , and defied her to come on too strong about it .
15 A given subject saw a sentence of 40 materials , each material appearing in only one of its eight possible versions .
16 Classification scatters as it collocates , since it groups primarily by the features listed in only one of the facets applied in classifying a document .
17 The research found that the take up of prepared training material occurred in only half of the boards studied .
18 A polystyrene box , or even cardboard box filled with loads of scrunched up newspaper will help keep the water from cooling down too much on the way home .
19 On Saturday morning , ‘ Campaigns in France ; The Black Prince ’ would tie in nicely datewise with her own contribution .
20 Do n't want to come down too hard on her .
21 I then want you to write down as many of the words as you can remember and in any order you wish .
22 Recall that the experimental group ( E group in Fig. 2.5(b) ) in this experiment received exposure to two distinctive contexts ( those used by Channell and Hall 1983 ) , with presentations of a light occurring in only one of them ( context A in the figure ) .
23 Henry gave Lewes Priory to the minister responsible for the dissolution , Thomas Cromwell , who used what remained of his life before his execution for treason in 1540 to pull down as much of the buildings as possible .
24 The X-rays confirmed that Leonora 's skull had come off surprisingly scot-free from her adventure .
25 Here , the Christian forces defeated the Almoravids resoundingly , killing and driving off literally thousands of the Moors .
26 I see him ending up pretty much like Stephen , half-fulfilled and half-frustrated — a third-rater , ’ she said , candidly and regretfully , ‘ and knowing it . ’
27 But sentiment recovered quickly and after the first hour 's dealing it clawed back its losses to stand up just 0.1 at 3072.7 .
28 With curious fitness , fate had it in store for him to marry an heiress and settle down in a castle in Spain — he who had conjured up so many of them in the imagination of junior executives .
29 not got the second part , anyway , he phoned up about ten to two and said , but , but before that she had said that he had met Mark
30 She had n't picked up as much of a lead as she 'd thought .
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