Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [verb] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Comin' up , ’ Jenkins replied then bent down to open one of the fridges under the counter .
2 Nationwide Computer Maintenance ( NCM ) are one such company — so we set about assembling one of their Computakits .
3 On the third night in New York I settled down to watch one of those TV programmes where relaxed , informal chatter had been perfected by hours of intensive rehearsal .
4 And he must have known that they 're gon na be cheaper so why does n't he advise people who are starting out to take one of them ?
5 He can go on to become one of the true greats . ’
6 From this we can go on to discover one of the rules for this sort of crime fiction .
7 Mr Vernon then went on to explain one of the important changes made as a result of the review :
8 He went on to form one of the most successful rock bands in the world .
9 His name was Dave Brown and he eventually went on to establish one of the first clubs in the country to be licensed as an openly gay establishment .
10 Wee Willie Henderson , Rangers ' wing wizard in the '60s went on to fulfil one of his greatest fantasies when he became an on-course Bookie .
11 Last year , boxing coach Harry Robinson , who guided Wayne McCullough to Commonwealth , Olympic and World successes , qualified as a Northern Ireland Regional Winner , and went on to scoop one of the UK National Awards .
12 Suppose you actually managed to escape all the harmful effects of tobacco but your child took up smoking because you smoked and he or she went on to develop one of those dreadful ( and often fatal ) illnesses .
13 She then went on to address one of the underlying themes of the conference week : the ‘ quality of life ’ requirement to improve state sector service in health , education , environment , housing and social services .
14 Carey had , from the beginning , planned for the work to be extended through native evangelists and Krishna went on to become one of the best ambassadors for Christ to his own people .
15 He read English at Cambridge — ‘ actually I spent most of the time reading opera ’ and went on to become one of the first crop of the Arts Council 's pioneering Arts Administration course , which was ‘ a bit Heath Robinsonish then , but still a wonderful grounding ’ .
16 The result was that Sean was replaced in her role as Tess Trueheart by the unknown actress Glenne Headly — and Dick Tracy went on to become one of the biggest hits of last year .
17 Ian was quick to shake off the dust , however , and went on to become one of Glasgow 's heroes .
18 The competition was started five years ago by Shildon Town Council , supported by Durham County Council and Northern Arts , to honour the memory of Sid Chaplin , the pitman who went on to become one of the North-East 's most respected authors and playwrights .
19 The competition was started five years ago by Shildon Town Council , supported by Durham County Council and Northern Arts , to honour the memory of Sid Chaplin , the pitman who went on to become one of the North-East 's most respected authors and playwrights .
20 Lorcan Wyer who has since gone on to become one of the most stylish jockeys in England was associated with most of the Scott winners in those days .
21 Heads of United States government departments usually end up playing one of two roles .
22 If you let it last , if you let sleeping together become regular — the way you live , instead of unexpected and just for sex — sometime you will end up having one of these four-in-the-morning , lay yourself bare , skin-peeling torture sessions .
23 ‘ Do n't let her get to you , ’ a voice murmured at her side , and she looked up to see one of the other actors , a tall good-looking young man called Gavin James .
24 Just as I was put through to you I had the idea of reaching out to take one of these pencils and to tear off one of the canvass-returns as a notepad .
25 She reached out to grasp one of Theda 's hands , touching the calluses .
26 He reached out to take one of her hands and hold it between both his own .
27 She reached out to cover one of his hands with her own .
28 Our Mosquito squadron had gone out to bomb one of the usual targets in western France and when they began to come back , the first crew to come into the Met Office told us the news ,
29 Roused abruptly from her memories , Isabel looked around to see one of the young knights from the castle garrison .
30 Yeah , brilliant , that 's a , that 's a good technique to take on bribe one of your colleagues to answer the questions
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