Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I did anyway , I got on with most teachers but but he did , really did give him a a really big , say a big couple of swipes on his backside .
2 Well the first question I want to ask you is how do you feel you got on in those presentations .
3 Yet in Scotland the majority of the ‘ salariat ’ ( 58 per cent ) clung on to such views .
4 The main point is to raise money for Christian Aid , and although preparatory work goes on for many months , the 3 weeks during which the Church is used for sorting , and them selling , seem to bring out all the best feelings .
5 The list of things to be seen goes on for several pages , and most of them have three stars .
6 The process goes on for several days , a few polyps occasionally expanding briefly , until finally the coral returns to its former glory .
7 As I have already noted , some kind of political change goes on at all times , produced by the succession of generations , the rise and fall of dynasties , competition among various social groups , economic and cultural developments , changing external circumstances , and more idiosyncratic factors , which can only be understood fully through detailed historical studies .
8 Latent inhibition goes on in all experiments aimed at revealing the nature of stimulus representations and often acts to mask the effects under investigation .
9 Some of this will almost certainly be in contravention of the 1988 Copyright Act , but a lot will be legitimate copying similar to that which goes on in all universities and public libraries .
10 Above them on a rocky promontory of convenient geology , Jesus kneels in prayer , an exercise that still goes on in some places , though with less agony and less certainty of address . ’
11 And er , they are actually a good description of what goes on in those departments and those that relate to these procedures .
12 Nobody knows what goes on in these places .
13 Photocopy on to both sides of the paper .
14 There was some people round here that were selling gear that were n't smack'eads and they 'd do you a lay on without any rings or surety or nothing and you 'd say , well , ‘ Lay us on half a gram and I 'll sell it , like ’ , and they 'd say , ‘ Alright ’ , and then you 'd go back a coupla days later and say , ‘ Look .
15 Such an approach enables active work to go on at all times , including those when no change of placement is contemplated or during periods of waiting for a suitable placement to become available .
16 ‘ The one you 've just done in Cheltenham ? ’ she asked , catching Cara 's excitement as she waited expectantly for her to go on with more details .
17 Am I right in thinking that you would n't want to go on with these incursions ?
18 Well , they 're in detailed discussions , and negotiations are likely to go on for some hours .
19 Normally , the time is fifteen minutes , and for fifteen minutes it 's five fifty , so if you 've got a lot of hair , it 's quite coarse , it 's going to go on for several months .
20 Those wonderfully powerful steam engines belching out smoke as they literally trembled on their way , the fair men hanging on to all sorts of vantage points as they progressed towards their goal .
21 Just sit down for few minutes , you are probably worth more than you think .
22 The main change is that the periods laid down for these notices are now in days instead of hours : two days notice is required for the commencement of building works .
23 Another important change is that the time periods laid down for these notices do not commence until the end of the day in which notice is given .
24 We do most humbly refer our cause and ourselves to the Goodness of your Honor and the Company beseeching you to consider favourably of our unfeigned hindrance beside the great loss of our own stock laid down on these mines .
25 If the said Member of Parliament is not selected as the prospective parliamentary candidate at the special meeting referred to in paragraph ( b ) above to be the prospective parliamentary candidate , he or she shall have the right to appeal to the National Executive Committee on the grounds , and only on the grounds , that the procedure laid down in these rules and the general provision of the constitution and rules have not been properly carried out .
26 A certain amount of the Stuart expansion had been carried out by chartered companies , and the enemies of James II showed relatively little regard for the rights laid down in these charters .
27 The stricken suitor followed the tradition laid down in these matters and went to look for a fight .
28 If it meets all of the criteria laid down by these bodies , the NCVQ or SCOTVEC ‘ seal of approval ’ will be given and the awarding body will be able to offer the awards .
29 I had to do something to keep my flat going and everything , so I got in with these girls , working girls .
30 It only requires behaviour to be broken down into some specifics , the equivalent of building blocks , and for those specifics to be cast into a coherent plan of action .
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