Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And how pathetically ironic that a bunch of Americans , who normally carp on about freedom of speech and the First Amendment , resort to crushing records which contain perfectly innocent torch songs when they defend to the hilt the right of misogynist swine like 2 Live Crew to peddle their filth with impunity .
2 Knitwear suits every mood with a wealth of texture , colour and pattern , layered on with denim in every shape and form — skirts , dresses , jeans and jackets .
3 This could be relied on to throw up ‘ bad ’ as well as ‘ good ’ factors .
4 They could n't be relied on to cope with the situation and our safety at the same time .
5 The Doctor , the guy with the blue box , could normally be relied on to deal with problems of this magnitude , but on this occasion he had apparently failed to understand that Pool was made of human brains and was in any case crazy .
6 Quiz of couple goes on over murder of OAP
7 The road goes on amid scenery of increasing charm along the bonny banks of the loch , which at its head is succeeded by the emerald pastures and rich woodlands of Strath More .
8 ( This work goes on in parallel with in vivo studies . )
9 With currently available equipment we are not able to discover what goes on in detail in the brain when someone is speaking , though we can make guesses based on evidence such as speech errors ( ‘ slips of the tongue ’ ) and the effects on speech production of different sorts of brain damage .
10 Work by Peter Collett , an Oxford academic , has shown clearly that what goes on in front of the telly is , in practice , virtually anything .
11 That er goes on in relation to er criminal matters again and er er paragraph three hundred and thi , thirty three forty one er it picks up the subject of expert testament , namely er science , art , trade , technical terms , handwriting , foreign law er the ensuing pages in fact deal with that and then at paragraph thirty two fifty one er in the er section of subjects which experts may not testify on .
12 The account goes on from year to year , for as long as you want .
13 One view is that , even though the current physical self will perish , the spirit goes on from life to life ; if this is the case , one of the things that spirit has to learn is how to deal with all areas of negativity. 1 believe that , by the time the spirit enters the body , it has already chosen the lessons it wishes to learn and the difficulties it wishes to overcome during that lifetime .
14 Now that the state itself is disintegrating around us , while folk culture goes on from strength to strength , they need to be re-stated ( ibid : 95 ) .
15 Valine 172 and the disulphide bridge residues 110 and 174 contribute to the hydrophobic core of domain 2 , after which the path of the main chain is locked to continue on into solution by Pro 175 .
16 By 1558 the Portuguese voyages around Africa and into the Indian Ocean , and the Spanish voyages to America which led on by way of the Philippines to the circumnavigation of the globe had made it possible to draw maps which , though they were wrong in important details , showed what the world was really like .
17 PETER SHILTON is 90 minutes from a potential disaster — but the former England international vows to carry on as player-manager of Plymouth even if the club lose to non-League Dorking tomorrow .
18 However , after a lively meeting with directors , Reg was persuaded to carry on as coach by three men in a hearse who asked to meet him outside during a beer break .
19 Only the first was achieved before the collapse of the Society and it was left to Philip Miller to carry on with instruction through his Dictionary .
20 Picnickers explain that they are prepared to carry on in spite of the odds .
21 Across the border in North Ossetia ( an autonomous republic within Russia ) , a group of Russian " volunteers " had arrived in late February in the regional capital , Vladikavkaz , according to the Georgian daily Sakartvelos Respublika of Feb. 27 , ostensibly to " protect Russia 's southern borders " , and a small number of these " volunteers " , apparently unarmed , had travelled on by helicopter to Tskhinvali , the South Ossetian capital .
22 Secondary education is compulsory up to the age of 16 , and pupils can stay on at school for up to three years longer .
23 Some will ‘ get the taste ’ of fresh water by moulting on freshwater lochs in Shetland , raising hopes yet again that this attractive duck will one day stay on to nest in Shetland .
24 No doubt some will stay on to summer in Shetland and encourage us to hope that some day it too may be found nesting .
25 In a mild winter where snow cover is not prolonged , chaffinch and brambling from the Scandinavian forests will stay on to forage round the crofts .
26 On occasion there were more serious charges where preliminary hearings were held and the case either dismissed or passed on for trial at a higher court .
27 What to do , how to do it and when to do it are instructions passed on by word of mouth from one generation to the next .
28 They had been observed by the disciples and passed on by word of mouth .
29 It is an oral history , passed on from generation to generation .
30 For hundreds and indeed thousands of years , this knowledge has only been intuitive , passed on from generation to generation .
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