Example sentences of "[verb] [was/were] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is because the need to reform was felt to arise from the normal attitude of aristocrats in the Germanic world that churches which they had helped to establish were a part of their material property .
2 I thought I was getting David and maybe a few personal possessions , but when he actually turned up , he was with a friend in a very large van , and this rather ethereal , thin , slightly spotty figure that was David in those days , dressed in extremely scruffy clothes , emerged from this van carrying a twelve string guitar , which it transpired was a present from Pete Townshend .
3 Trundling along the lane they entered was a line of galvanized garbage trucks , empty and snaking on their rounds to collect the day 's debris .
4 To the outside world what was happening was a tightening-up of some matters , a clearing out of unexamined clutter and the creation of a sense of accountability .
5 What had been happening was an assumption of power on the part of the Vietminh and the demonstration that a communist party could seize the opportunity to capitalize on the power of nationalism at a moment of unparalleled opportunity .
6 Twelve teachers and an Indian doctor and his wife were allowed back , in what Reuters news agency reported was a move by Iran to resolve a major dispute with Arab states .
7 ‘ Also included was a re-assessment of the distance offshore that our fleet could provide effective cover .
8 The procedure used was an adaptation of the method of Smith and Johnson ( 17 ) , and has been described previously ( 27 ) .
9 That great audience assembled to hear a speaker quite unknown in the political world and the enthusiasm created was an eye-opener to me , and would have been to most of the Westminster hacks with whom I had previously associated public influence . ’
10 It took months — and the best financial brains in New York — to unravel his dealings and what they found was a web of debt — and worse .
11 What we found was an exterior like an art shop in SoHo , all bruised purples and painterly red , and inside , un unpromising galley space made rich and stylish and finished , with some degree of panache , with a Mark Rothko effect decorating the end wall .
12 There were no signposts and maps were not to be trusted , but the greatest hazard he encountered was a swarm of locusts which had taken possession of five miles of the road .
13 It wouldn't 've surprised me that that he could feel were an eyelash like mine was .
14 While I was then involved with technical assistance to LDCs , I was responding to what I believed was a window of opportunity for our Institute .
15 What they added was a sense of grandeur — they took blues licks and put them on a epic scale .
16 What they added was a sense of grandeur — they took blues licks and put them on a epic scale .
17 But apart from a commode under the bed , and a rickety table with a cracked basin and ewer upon it , the only other furnishing the room afforded was a rail across one corner for her wardrobe , with a cotton curtain to conceal the clothes that would be hung upon it .
18 Tony Benn , who Mr O'Neill recalled was a member of a Labour Cabinet committed to nuclear defence , insisted that Britain did not need nuclear weapons because there was no Soviet threat .
19 ‘ They thought that what we had done was an example of how a test should be made .
20 The man , who has n't been named was a member of staff .
21 The man she told was a printer at the Post and after sharing the news with his colleagues he decided to let the police in on it too .
22 What he did not repeat was a signal from Gen Keightley in Austria , sent on 10 May [ KP 59 ] , in which Keightley had specifically requested permission " to be able to shoot at Yugoslavs who categorically disobey orders from British commanders . "
23 The method most frequently applied was an increase in assembly line speeds unaccompanied in general by a proportional increase in wages .
24 What I did n't expect was a statement of truth .
25 In English , the text studied was A Kestrel for a Knave .
26 And Gooch would never get out of his mind that the car he drove was an instrument of death .
27 ’ Shaun Gooch will never , for the rest of his life , get out of his mind that the car he drove was an instrument of death ’ .
28 What came was a sort of double-image — the boy I had known up to yesterday , young , grubby , entertaining , kind , lively , with his impish , monkey-plainness ; and the face I had seen last night for the first time , a face wiped clean of everything but rapture and tenderness and astonishment , a different face , a face to love and find beautiful .
29 There is growing opposition in Germany to giving up the deutschmark without any real return in political union , which Chancellor Kohl had said was a precondition of moving to a single currency .
30 After an intensive rehabilitation programme of physiotherapy and speech therapy , Elinor appeared to have completely recovered from her stroke , although she could no longer think of three things at once , which Buzz said was a mercy for the people who had to live with her .
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