Example sentences of "[verb] [is] very [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 With the water high up on the beach the sea is very choppy and launching is very difficult because the waves break viciously on the steep upper slopes of the beach which is frequently a shingle ridge .
2 ( Appendix 1 — the Code ) : the Code as presented is very clear and straightforward , with a suitably informal style .
3 As we feel that they missed a fair bit out what they 've written is very good but erm they 've missed quite a bit out
4 Okay I think that 's very good really I I do n't think I think you 're writing is very nice as well .
5 That you know is very interesting that I arranged all the materials through that you know it 's scandalous that 's it 's carton fits .
6 The last superintendent said we ca n't and I think the point you 've raised is very valid since they actually stopped that facility said that they 're not allowed in there it has I think gone into a situation where it is n't a very quite place erm and there problems about what goes on there etc and I think need to look at it .
7 The snarling and growling is very audible as the lions move about , looking for a way out .
8 If your looking for love and your absolutely desperate there 's always a thing called date line which I believe is very successful and I know at least two people who 've got very happy marriages from that , so
9 And ma'am on a further point which I think is very significant when you 're dealing with proposals in the A sixty four south of York , is you have to take into account not only the impact of the new settlement itself , but the impact of associated infrastructure .
10 well then my Lord ah my Lord not all objective criteria and this I think is very important because you can have objective criterias as I , as I submitted last week that would be erm in order to trade in this market you must have capital of twenty million pounds and ten years experience , but that 's uniform rule , it does n't discriminate it 's objective , but it would be anti competitive because here you are setting up the most important market er in this , erm as they say in Europe for the project futures market and you 're excluding people who could be in there trading and who could be effecting the market
11 Erm I am confident that Eurofighter are grasping the thorny problem now in a very businesslike way and er are making the individual partner companies fully accountable for the systems for which they have design responsibility and this again is a aspect of the renegotiation of the contract which we think is very important and we 're determined that er this will happen .
12 Of course , erm there 's a lot more individual responsibility is needed than that , but it 's too simplistic to say that that erm to smile upon these people who have problems would solve everything erm but erm to make it your own responsibility to find out more and to find out the ways in which you can help I think is very important and is everybody 's responsibility .
13 ‘ I realise the market for what I do is very fickle and it could all come to a stop tomorrow .
14 I have noted that flicking is very common where such a substrate is used and I think it may be from mechanical irritation of the gills by tiny bits of coral suspended in the water .
15 The low register of the flute , by which we mean the notes between and including is very rich and beautiful and has been much exploited by composers , especially those of the French school .
16 ‘ What Roberts does is very good but he is n't so successful as a team manager just because he teaches riders to dirt-track .
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