Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] we [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I even made sure we got there an hour early in order to take everything in .
2 They were a little startled to see two hippies and a Paki walk in ; there was some conversation on the subject and several glances in our direction , so I made sure we did n't eyeball them and give them reason to get upset .
3 We were actually quite worried , but there was an assessor who made sure we did n't get into any difficulties .
4 Before dinner we 'll all go for a brisk walk along the beach and make sure we work up a nice big appetite . ’
5 To which the reply is : ‘ Make sure we do n't load the bases if Clark is due up . ’
6 ‘ We , Your Excellency , are not the only ones who make sure we do n't lose the quarry once we have him in our sights .
7 I think we should make sure we sweep up the Selby drawings because they do include some fairly good stuff .
8 ‘ We must make sure we get there before the start of the programme , ’ said Maggie , giving Susan a wink .
9 Must make sure we get home in time to watch it . ’
10 We must make sure we do n't keep on disturbing the seed 's growth by constantly going back to the same people and badgering them .
11 What quarter past ten I 'm gon na bed , I 'll just make sure we do n't forget the clock .
12 Let's make sure we did n't use any term that everybody understands yeah .
13 Then , if we get lucky we drive over the Luxembourg frontier into Germany , head south down the Rhine for the Black Forest .
14 Unfortunately if things go wrong we go back to square one .
15 ‘ It was all hands down making sure we did n't run out of cash , ’ he remembers .
16 Given that weak electromagnetic fields at the power frequencies 50Hz and 60Hz do pollute the environment in the sense that they make it hostile for the chemistry of body functions , there is no real choice other than making sure we live well removed from power lines or accept the higher incidence of cancer and leukaemia as tolerable .
17 Yeah I think daddy 's just erm making sure we have n't got such sticky fingers after our oranges I think .
18 But Des points out that everybody else on this road is running anyway , and if we want to stay unnoticed we 'd better do the same .
19 After a witnessing session in which everyone opened their hearts and emerged exalted we walked out into the night and began to neck .
20 I said Sorry we have n't moved a to You moved my bloody furniture , today .
21 Whether or not it has any prospect of success this court is in no position to determine , but while it remains alive we do not consider that the judgment of this court can be described as final within the meaning of rule 2 ( a ) .
22 He 's too smart to pretend to be Labour , but he makes sure we do n't forget him .
23 Actually , we decided after a bit that there was nothing very sinister about Sun , but that he is just an auxiliary comrade who helps to keep tabs on us , makes sure we do n't get lost in the crowd , etc .
24 We 've got to make sure we get up into the Premier Division first . ’
25 We need to make sure we put together businesslike , competitive proposals for the in-house delivery of our services .
26 ‘ I simply have n't got time to spend hours slaving over a hot stove — I 'd rather be out playing with the children or getting out and about , but I do try to make sure we eat well . ’
27 Pride causes us to want to be seen as the best , but we will often use the strategy of holding others back to make sure we stay there .
28 It was all hands down to make sure we did n't run out of cash .
29 I stood ready with the boat-hook to make sure we did n't bump against the rocks of the mooring .
30 It was to make sure we did n't run away .
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