Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] or [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 However , if the buildings can not be used for such purposes ‘ other uses are preferable to allowing the buildings to remain empty or grossly under-occupied ’ .
2 The vast bulk of these acts involved insecure or improperly adjusted fencing of dangerous machinery , inadequate precautions against fire and explosion , as well as failure to inspect equipment and maintain healthy work conditions .
3 Labour support tended to be concentrated in already safe seats while the Tories swung many of the southern marginals , as many of the managerial , professional and small business strata registered Tory votes where they had previously voted Liberal or not voted at all ( Bonham , 1954 ) .
4 They are playing on the fact that most of us do not like to appear ignorant or ill informed .
5 Regular reports required by individual locations are obtained by using standard or specially written programs produced by the team .
6 The most obvious exploitation of biomass is the manufacture of alcohol by fermenting surplus or specially grown crops — e.g. sugar , corn , bananas ( see Latin America and Synthetics sections ) .
7 If capital transfer to other countries was also made illegal or tightly controlled , this would also help to prevent corporations evading the law by exporting those behaviours which would be illegal in one country to another where they are not .
8 Most pineapples sold in Britain have come by sea , which means we are sometimes at risk from being offered unripe or partly ripened specimens .
9 Early reports showed reduced concentrations of IgM , but later studies showed normal or even raised immunoglobulin concentrations .
10 As a result , the initating member has been asked to contact the participating member to elicit general or specifically defined acquisition advisery assistance , which could take the form of :
11 are registered blind or partially sighted
12 The woodlands everywhere would have provided game , animals for meat and other resources like bone and leather , fruit , berries , nuts , fungi , and so on , while the uplands may have provided natural or artificially created grazing for horses , deer , wild cattle , wild pigs , and a host of smaller animals .
13 Those who place orders will not normally accept any great degree of risk that the supplier will go out of business before the order is delivered , nor will they place large orders with firms whose working capital and liquidity appears unsound or badly managed ; * the placing of Conditions on Potential orders such that suppliers : must conform to specified quality control Procedures such as those specified by the UK quality standard BS 5750 .
14 A further example is contained in an edition of the Evening Standard in 1976 where a news item reported ‘ at least 20 people were killed and many more feared dead or severely injured ’ in a train crash in Holland .
15 The conflict was discussed at a meeting in Osh city on June 11 between Dzhumagulov and his Uzbek counterpart Shakurulla Mirsaidov , the latter denouncing calls during the conflict by Uzbek nationalists for the areas of Kirghizia with a majority Uzbek population to be declared autonomous or even ceded to Uzbekistan .
16 In Britain it would appear that the percentage of those aged 65 + defined as living in some form of institution has remained constant or perhaps decreased slightly .
17 You may have to remain with an unsatisfactory state of affairs through most of 1993 , which means that any planned moves will prove heavy-going or much resented .
18 Under the reforms the FDA will continue to use its own inspectors to review innovative or badly needed drugs , but will use outside contractors ( from the pharmaceutical industry ) to review more routine products such as antibiotics .
19 She thought she 'd only get commended or highly commended .
20 Certainly most small organizations can not afford elaborate or rigidly devised appraisal schemes .
21 Did he get beatified or secretly strangled ?
22 In a study of metal development such as this it is essential to examine datable or chronologically ordered artefacts .
23 The narrowing is caused by a fatty deposit called atheroma and if it gets too thick and the coronary arteries too narrow , the blood supply to the heart becomes restricted or even blocked .
24 Everywhere there were reminders of Buddhism : on almost every hill there would be a small pagoda , its graceful , tapering spire coloured white or occasionally gilded with gold leaf ; in every village there would be a monastery , usually with several monks , though sometimes with a single bhikkhu living more as a hermit .
25 Since then it had been showing a worrying tendency , when Rincewind was feeling rundown or especially threatened , to try to get itself said .
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