Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] that [pron] has " in BNC.

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1 The Royal Horticultural Society ( RHS ) has made clear that it has yet to develop a conservation policy and will continue to give awards for plants collected in the wild .
2 However , the powerful US tuna industry lobby has made sure that it has been given an annual ‘ dolphin kill' ’ quota .
3 Also , the pilot will be in very good flying form and his instructor will have made sure that he has not been getting into bad habits .
4 This wire is connected with a Tell Tale Bell in the Signal Box at each end of the tunnel in such a way that upon the wire being cut or broken the bells will commence ringing and the Signalman is made aware that something has happened .
5 Make sure that he has in front of him the names of new members of the committee , so that he can welcome them .
6 If you are using a frozen turkey , make sure that it has thoroughly defrosted before cooking .
7 I now turn to the adoption minutes of city hall and now it is a process of in that city hall did not endorse a recommendation from the finance panel , the budget that came from finance panel erm so we are in the slightly unusual position of having to debate the proposals of finance panel as we were recommended to do by city hall , erm that means as I understand it that er the chair of city hall will now present the annual budget statement erm and since he is going to do that in a form of an amendment er that seven other unusual features about the way in which we would normally do it which would mean that there would be er a budget statement and where there would then be the the formal proposals and amendments themself , erm so what I would propose is to try and make sure that everybody has , has maximum opportunity to have their say erm because no two amendments can be on the floor at one time er to take what the leader of the council said first of all erm then to allow the other two leaders to present their budget alternatives as it were , without it be , this is just not did n't take it at that point if they do n't want to .
8 The teacher who finds , for instance , that a child has difficulty in including himself in a ‘ family count up ’ , may make sure that he has opportunity for counting the members of many different groups of which he is a part , on other occasions .
9 Will my right hon. Friend be sure to ask for a branch of the kiosk in any new catering facility for visitors , and will he make sure that it has House of Commons fudge and humbugs on sale ?
10 Before beginning to draft , the drafter should make sure that he/she has to hand all the information likely to be required in order to draft the terms .
11 It seems clear that what has happened here is that Johnson has forgotten about the problem of finding ways of making meaning plain and has shifted to a different lexicographical problem , namely how to provide an exhaustive definition of words so that their entire meaning is made explicit .
12 But though Venus does not seem to be geologically moribund it seems likely that it has not been as geologically active as the Earth and that no global system of Plate Tectonics has ever developed .
13 At this point a further contradiction in Sartre 's whole enterprise begins to open up : for someone so deeply distrustful of universals it seems curious that he has involved himself so emphatically with the notions of totality , History , and the dialectic .
14 The chairman will also have to organize the panel during the interview , making sure that everyone has sufficient time to ask their questions but without allowing the process to get out of hand and overrun .
15 And what we 're trying to do is to give him this family feeling that everybody behind here , the whole team , every single worker is rooting for him and making sure that he has the best .
16 Adrian says they 've spent a lot of time in the water … tweaking this and tweaking that and making sure that it has come through production with flying colours …
17 You should also make certain that she has a good tin-opener which she can use without difficulty .
18 In one of the central episodes in the novel , Humberto not only cuckolds his employer , but fathers on his wife the heir whom the oligarch himself has never been able to engender , and it is only subsequently that it becomes clear that what has been narrated as a factual account of events is , in reality , no more than a fantasy in which he simultaneously avenges his social humiliation and effects the incorporation of the humble Peñaloza line into the oligarchy .
19 However , it remains concerned that there has been no stay on sentences or executions pending the review of existing legislation .
20 Even for those of us who admit that he has made a rational choice on this occasion , it remains surprising that he has benefited so little from experience , that he has never made , or let God or society make for him , any previous decisions on general issues which could be of help to him .
21 Idomenée ( 1712 ) shows that as time passed Campra was more prepared to feature remoter keys when expressing emotional tension : its chilling dénouement , in which Idomenée becomes aware that he has slain his own son , is in B♭ minor , with modulations to D♭ major , G♭ major and E♭ minor .
22 In Britain 's case it also remains true that she has to make up in sales to the world outside the EEC that which she loses by running a heavy deficit with the Community .
23 For example , all that is physically necessary as regards food is to make sure that everyone has enough of the right sort .
24 More time is needed for meetings to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate fully .
25 To make sure that he has n't just come home I telephoned twice this afternoon , and again just before I left to come here .
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