Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [conj] not [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Labour support tended to be concentrated in already safe seats while the Tories swung many of the southern marginals , as many of the managerial , professional and small business strata registered Tory votes where they had previously voted Liberal or not voted at all ( Bonham , 1954 ) .
2 The following vehicles have been reported missing and not recovered : White Peugeot F770 XWR , Red Cavalier C782 YUG , Black Escort G702 5YY , Black Sierra G241 YHN , Silver Bluebird A259 LWD , Blue Escort B869 FFT , White Escort G761 ENV .
3 However , these shrubs can become untidy if not clipped hard back each year .
4 They both look congested but not infected at all .
5 At Cambrai in 1076 a Cathar who had been judged heretical but not sentenced was being held in the local jail .
6 The constructional devices are laid bare and not motivated by the events or situations in the story .
7 He saw with pleasure that she looked cold but not frightened ; she was beginning to swim more slowly and for the first time with trust , as if the water were a friendly and not an alien element .
8 Perhaps you can assist me too by pointing out to your companion that Ana is to be left alone and not inveigled into — friendship .
9 She had forgotten the sidearm , which she had kept sand-free but not discharged in months .
10 Bush and shrub roses you can lay with roots in the trench and the top growth laid against the soil ridge , standards will probably need a third spit out so that they can lie supported and not blown around and damaged .
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