Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun] but [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The broader-based Latin American Free Trade Area appeared to increase intra-industry trade but had few other perceptible consequences .
2 Throughout the nineteenth century , following Madame Clicquot 's inspired use of her kitchen table , wooden planks drilled with holes and supported on trestles were used for remuage , while some firms used similar planks but affixed to the walls of their cellars or caves .
3 Television , both BBC 's coverage for 20 years and ITV 's for the past five , not only attracted lucrative sponsorships but developed a greater interest among the young .
4 As one commented , he visited online exhibitions but remained ‘ baffled by it all ’ .
5 The following also has poor starts but had scored their maiden half-century by their 12th innings :
6 The new law retained proportional representation but gave considerable advantage to those parties which were willing to form pre-electoral coalitions ( or apparentements ) with other parties .
7 The cell nucleus , so prominent in stained microscopical sections of tissues , often attracted chemical investigation but presented many difficulties .
8 He insisted the princess could be crowned queen if Charles was king and they lived separate lives but said : ‘ There would be no constitutional bar , but it certainly requires a strong effort of imagination to project oneself forward into that situation . ’
9 The general consensus was that , while their marriage may have had its ups and downs , they were now amicable companions pursuing separate interests but united by a common duty .
10 In a statement , the foreign ministers said political and economic reforms in Poland and Hungary had made considerable progress but added : ‘ The process remains fragile and could be called into question by economic problems .
11 Held , dismissing the appeal , that on its true construction section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 did not confer on a minor who had attained the age of 16 an absolute right to determine whether or not he received medical treatment but enabled him , for the limited purpose of protecting his medical practitioner from prosecution or from any claim in trespass , to give consent to such treatment as effectively as if he were an adult ; that , although a minor of any age who had sufficient maturity might consent to treatment , his refusal to give consent could not overrule consent given by the court ; that in exercising its inherent jurisdiction the court would take particular account of the minor 's wishes , the importance of which increased with his age and maturity , but would override them where his best interests so required ; and that , having regard to the nature of W. 's illness and to the serious deterioration in her condition , her best interests required the court to direct her immediate transfer to and treatment at the new unit without her consent ( post , pp. 765G — 766A , H — 767C , 768F–G , 769G–H , 770B–D , 772A–C , D–E , 774C–D , 775H — 776A , E–F , 777F–G , 779A , 780B–E , G–H , 781B–E , H — 782A ) .
12 For more than two months the men received full pay but did nothing more strenuous than drink cups of tea and read the paper .
13 He was educated at Westminster School ( 1865–7 ) and at King 's College , London ( 1867–70 ) , where he studied applied science but took no degree .
14 The Forestry Commission expressed the hope that the study would generate wide debate but stressed that it had no competence to formulate overall forestry policy , which was a matter for the government .
15 Born and dying within a decade of each other , both lacked formal university or professional training , both rejected Christian dogma but felt lost without it , both carved out careers for which there were few models , and both preferred to work with men , refusing to acknowledge the personal benefits gained from the feminist struggle .
16 Their system of tenure was peculiar to Cornwall and parts of Devon ; it did not provide hereditary security but consisted of a seven-year lease at a negotiated rent with no automatic right of renewal .
17 He granted an injunction restraining the defendant from using and/or disclosing confidential information but qualified it so that it did not apply to communications made by the defendant either to FIMBRA or the Inland Revenue in respect of the matters identified in the defence .
18 They were compared with 25 patients who had had primary melanomas but had a normal naevus pattern .
19 There was also the Office of General Surveyors , converted into a court in 1542 , which audited various accounts but received no revenues .
20 A further 10 cases did not report gastrointestinal symptoms but presented with non-specific complaints of fatigue and lassitude only and were investigated because of unexplained anaemia .
21 The FAA voluntary reporting system was retained and continues to work well for routine incident reports , while the NASA administered anonymous system made great strides but suffered from the inability of its operatives to refer back to those reporting the incident to obtain amplification of the circumstances or to ask supplementary questions .
22 But I am troubled that he mentions the deaths of British servicemen without any references to the closing of the gates of Mandatory Palestine to the desperate refugees who tried to leave Nazi Germany but found the rest of Europe and the Jewish homeland closed to them .
23 The main weakness of these republican reforms was that they threatened fundamental change but did n't fully implement it .
24 The party stood on a detailed manifesto which addressed local issues but stressed that the NILP had ‘ new ideas free from the old sectarian catch cries ’ .
25 Mr Cattell said : ‘ We had been expecting bad news but had no idea where the axe would fall .
26 As anticipated , London W1-based software systems and consultancy Logica Plc avoided heavy losses but failed to ‘ bounce back ’ in a big way during the first half mainly because of its patchy performance .
27 Kelly tied her laces around the back of her heel to combat loose shoes but ended up with a rubbed Achilles tendon .
28 Either side of the interval the tiny striker had chances to convert simple headers but pushed one wide of the post and saw Maxwell claw the other over the bar .
29 On the one hand , the high rate of government subsidies has benefited individual investors but resulted in considerable losses to the national economy that have done nothing to help Brazil repay its huge international loans .
30 The Romans appreciated fine art but lacked the artistic sense of the Greeks .
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