Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Our directive is to support multinational companies moving into Eastern Europe , ’ says Andrew Gibson , BT 's director for Eastern Europe , whose group welcomes enquiries from accountancy firms thinking of setting up there , or whose clients intend to do so .
2 This awful thing has never happened to me but I have been in the situation leading up to the attack hundreds of times , in trusting casual acquaintances to walk me home or allowing strange men to come into my house to do repairs .
3 They both want to see narrow bends built into straight roads as a far more effective means of slowing traffic .
4 Sharpe looked down the high street , half expecting to see French Dragoons galloping into the small village , but it was only the Prince of Orange who had abandoned his carriage and taken a horse from one of his escort .
5 When any seeds arrive from him I will take the first opportunity of sending you a share and in return shall trouble you for some Northern and Welsh plants which I hope we shall make proper conveniency to receive into our Garden in a short time ; for several of those which you were so good as to furnish me with a few years since are lost for want of proper soil and situation , the natural earth of our Garden being too light and dry and the bottom too warm .
6 Hugh Kenner , for instance , in a work of massive scholarship , The Pound Era ( 1971 ) , can write : ‘ By the mid-1920s a massive triviality , a failure of will on a truly forbidding scale , was allowing English culture to lapse into shapes characterized by childishness , self-indulgence , utter predictability ’ .
7 Stuart Hyslop , of DTC , said when a survey shows more people are using public transport to get into town it would be crazy to jeopardise that .
8 Once you have identified the points that are going to be crucial in your particular job , you may have to be persuasive if you want improved safeguards built into your agreement .
9 An Act of 1849 repealed the Navigation Laws , enabling foreign ships to import into British possessions in Asia , Africa and America and to carry the goods of any nation into Britain itself , though the masters and three-quarters of the crew of British vessels were to remain British and the coasting trade was to remain in British hands , at least for the time being .
10 Foreign ownership goes back just as far , in the sense that individuals such as Waldorf Astor and Max Aitken ( Lord Beaverbrook ) used foreign capital to buy into the English press .
11 The production unit has raw materials coming into the manufacturing process and a finished product emerging at the end of the process .
12 It was the Kings who drew early blood racing into an eight two lead .
13 For instance , people have booked white country bands into rap clubs .
14 And do UFOs make a habit of abducting unwilling victims to look into their private parts ?
15 He pledged that a FIS government would respect international conventions entered into by Algeria and that " we shall work within the framework of the Constitution , which allows us to review it [ the Constitution ] , should that be the people 's demand " .
16 Just as the weakening of the Ottoman hold on the Balkans had drawn the great powers into regional competition , so the weakening of Britain 's hold on the Middle East , particularly Palestine , at the end of the Second World War drew the United States and the Soviet Union into the region , and also sucked neighbouring Arab states into the Palestine conflict .
17 SEOUL ( AP ) — South Korean students swinging iron bars and hurling home-made bombs broke into the residence of the US ambassador , Donald Gregg , to protest at US pressure on Seoul to open up its agricultural markets .
18 What causes young people to fall into crime ?
19 The first edition comprised basic classes analysed into facets , using the colon as the notational device for synthesis ; the colon was therefore an integral feature of the scheme to which it gave its name .
20 An impressive pagoda-style feature towering above the main entrance area allows natural light to flood into the main access area .
21 I was pleased the King 's Fund has recognised the racism and blockages which prevent black staff moving into management ( News , 11 March ) .
22 When Qaddafi abolished the state he did not expect Libyan society to collapse into fragments .
23 LATENT HEAT : - It has high latent heats of evaporation and solidification ( e.g. 2 ½ times as much heat is required to cause boiling water to change into water vapour as is required to bring cold water to the boil ) .
24 Lucien could feel sharp splinters digging into his skin through his clothes .
25 But this traditional Chinese technique — using fine needles inserted into the patient 's skin — is becoming more common as a method of pain relief during labour in British hospitals .
26 Some forms of psychotherapy are based on the work of Reich , an analyst who gave up ‘ talking ’ therapy because he saw the possibility of releasing emotional tension locked into the body , and making faster contact with the sources of conflict that cause pain and distress .
27 But it quickly re-formed in 1897 to challenge fresh regulationism introduced into India , keeping up a constant barrage of propaganda against any return to compulsory medical inspection and detention of prostitutes at home .
28 It is from the third movement of the ‘ Lützow ’ Piano Concerto , k242 , and shows accentual emphasis put into sharp focus in a pattern of clear stroke over the first , dots over the following quavers — a pattern repeated a number of times in exactly the same manner .
29 The first Crossroads Care Attendant Scheme , paying trained helpers to go into the home , started in Rugby , and there are now about sixty schemes in operation throughout the country , with more to come .
30 Independently , eight similarly high-profile , equally frustrated male actors formed into the Posse , whose own sketch-show Armed And Dangerous packed out London 's Theatre Royal Stratford East .
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