Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [coord] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Fly right to the platform under the last button you hit , go up and collect the arrow , go down and right , go left and right through the platforms to get to the bottom , at the bottom go up the other side of the wall , collect the star and fly left over the spikes , collect the arrow and recharge your flying abilities on the star , fly right and go down , go right to the star in the grass , collect it and fly up , push the crate down , fall down .
2 Becoming pregnant or going ahead with a pregnancy has to be a personal choice for each individual HIV positive woman .
3 Greg had rung Helen from London to tell her when he would be arriving in Manchester , and she had promised to work late and go out with him for a meal .
4 However , the main causes of parcels becoming damaged or going astray are the following :
5 The man with the dog drew level and went by .
6 You know , telling us everything about the Tories , what they 've done wrong and to go on from that , not telling us anything about how you 're gon na put it right .
7 Well , I kind of rather felt sick and went away , because I thought er well .
8 The point is worth making that historically it was out of a background of theological wrangling by Brahmin priests over the nature of " Brahman " that the young prince , Gautama , rebelled exasperated and went on to seek — and to find — enlightenment elsewhere thus becoming the Buddha .
9 Not to sleep but simply to think , freely and unobserved , without the burden of her mother 's solicitude , the obligation not only to look cheerful but to go on repeating how well she felt so that Amabel — always unnerved by silence — should not weary her further by growing alarmed .
10 He dismissed the question as so much supposition , but when he tried to give her a reassuring hug she wriggled free and went out on to the balcony to join the others .
11 ‘ I say living well is the best revenge , but you ca n't do that unless you get angry and go forward . ’
12 Meetings are infamous for getting stuck and going round in circles .
13 You 've got a long and full life ahead of you , chum , so you must now stop worrying and go back to sleep and catch up on the strength you 'll need for living it up when you 're better . ’
14 David wrenched free and went on furiously : ‘ Those women whose homes are sties , whose habits are bestial , who could n't raise a guinea-pig never mind a child — ’ he drew a deep , shuddering breath to steady himself , then continued more slowly .
15 He feels tired and goes straight to bed .
16 At length I grew tired and went back to the joys of the tavern , both the board and the bed .
17 One day in April 1943 Albert Hoffmann , a chemist who was working at Sandoz on the development of ergot alkaloids , felt unwell and went home early , where for some hours he experienced a variety of disordered visions .
18 Our exercise periods were indeed much longer now and I padded around the room as much as I could , but Brian would often get bored and go back to a book .
19 I 'm new in this place but you 've got to learn fast or go under .
20 Bear left and go diagonally across the field to the far corner .
21 People decide not to get married but to go ahead and have children anyway .
22 How could anyone know that Wetherby was going to get hungry and go down to the kitchen for some cheese ?
23 It 's , it 's no good we going tomorrow or Howard 'll be coming turn out late shift be coming out you know , might as well get ready and going out , now I 've had summat to eat , it 's only quarter to Really we 're starting into the second leaves , the frosts through to the second set of leaves these , that 's gon na be better plant and here when the wind blows
24 So Honey 's owner decided to get a helper to hold a bucket of oats and alfalfa chaff for Honey to eat while she herself mounted her , and this was done in such a relaxed and calm fashion that Honey also remained calm and went on eating .
25 I was so physically tired that I slept as soundly as the corpses outside the window but , unlike them , awoke refreshed and went downstairs to a good breakfast .
26 I just remember having a great time and then feeling tired and going off and having a sleep .
27 Jam left in the jar , he would say , would turn bitter and go off and be of no use to anyone .
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