Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [coord] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So , in the evening when the body temperature is beginning to fall , there is a natural tendency to fall asleep and in the morning , when body temperature begins to rise rapidly , we are most likely to wake up .
2 We were all expected to work hard and at the end of each term we had examinations .
3 She had come to painting late but after the exhibition of ‘ Angela ’ in 1900 , an Impressionistic portrait of a woman at a mantelpiece in a shimmering , full-skirted dress , she was made the first female member of the New English Art Club .
4 They may each act alone and without the agreement of the other but not in a way which is incompatible with the order ( s2(7) ( 8 ) ) .
5 Follow the lane as it bears right and across the farmyard , passing through a metal gate to the right of a white farm cottage .
6 Several of his perfumes seemed promising and in the end she took away samples in three small bottles and promised that she would return when she had tried them out .
7 Hundreds of chartered accountants have been made redundant and with the surfeit of candidates competing for vacancies , employers have been able to reduce salaries in some cases .
8 Now , ’ she added with a complete change of subject that left Ellie feeling bewildered , ‘ you must n't feel awkward or in the way , because we 're delighted to have you to stay .
9 If given good conditions , most plants will grow erect and above the water surface and even flower .
10 This means that on the surface the transactions may appear complementary but below the surface the rules of the particular game provide a hidden agenda ( see page 85 ) .
11 Sixty percent of the population of London alone were made homeless and during the war there were sixty million changes of address .
12 Declaring America ‘ has only one president at a time , ’ Clinton also said US foreign policy would remain constant and in the hands of President George Bush during the transition at the White House .
13 And it applied also to the Chartists — ‘ A nation can not become free and at the same time continue to oppress other nations ’ .
14 You can see opposite and on the previous page the photographs illustrating this transformation .
15 I am 46 , going grey and on the point of total collapse .
16 In the course of such conversations it often happens that the bereaved person is not only troubled by thoughts that they might be going mad but by the notion that they are very bad .
17 Since goodness is a matter of degree , the extent to which one has promoted the good is a function both of the number of good things produced or things made good and of the degree of goodness to which they are raised .
18 ‘ In case they get lost or into the wrong hands ?
19 A good way of doing it is the Aldershot method , how to your put your point across very very clearly but also succinctly you know short and to the point .
20 Neither party will benefit from getting hurt and in the great majority of cases the disputes are settled without serious damage on either side .
21 I know it sounds pathetic but at the time it gave me a bit of a fright . ’
22 Everybody keeps quiet but under the table he 's making money .
23 The price for the first seems high and for the second low for a house with six acres and a lodge , but it used to be the headquarters of British Coal 's opencast mining subsidiary , which can not have done it any good .
24 Thinking about the past , helping to build a cupboard , playing in the village band or photographing the bootmaker and the carpenter , Mr Spender seems contented and within the Tuscany he was looking for when he was , as he says , tired of the ‘ thin blue light of London ’ .
25 The Micro Twist II is remote and local mode selectable so that the attached computers can communicate alone or through the 10BaseT network when you flip a switch .
26 He squirmed , and the safety-pin , almost clasped , flew open and onto the floor .
27 However these flowers do not breed true and in the F2 generation red , pink , and white-flowered plants are produced in the ratio 1:2:1 .
28 Its sunless position is intentional , for in the summer months its purpose is to remain cool and in the winter it is kept warm by its thick coat of thatch .
29 Later as weapons and uniforms became available and with the help of the older men , the unit began to take shape .
30 As she lay in the heat , she felt drowsy and at the same time tinglingly alive .
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