Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun pl] [conj] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Several pages of notes may become full ; in that case , two pages must be inserted in place of one , allowing the notes when transferred , to be spread out and empty spaces restored .
2 In the sky Re made the stars and placed for eternal life .
3 I 've honoured the gods and cared for my family .
4 ACT was African Consolidated Theatres , who had been touring Shakespeare 's Merry Wives of Windsor with a cast headed by Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies ; Dulcie Howes had arranged the dances and performed in them .
5 It has been held by the Court of Appeal that the privilege against self-incrimination can be invoked in this context where , accepting the facts as alleged by the plaintiff , there is a reasonable apprehension on the part of the defendant that he might be prosecuted in the United Kingdom .
6 On Tuesday 14 June , " representatives of the girls in the composing department of the printing trade , attended to address our [ i.e. WFL ] members " , and on 25 August a deputation went to see the employers and called for a Board of Trade enquiry .
7 Professor Lapworth of Birmingham had also examined the problems and given his interpretation .
8 Examining responses in these last two conditions and accepting responses where , apart from the Dez parameter , the sign was reported correctly , produces the results as shown in fig. 10.2 .
9 To include the carpets as fitted .
10 2 Peel the bananas and cut into 1–2cm/½–¾in pieces .
11 Tigers have attacked the dummies and torn them apart without any sign of being discouraged by the sharp jolt they have received .
12 They returned to the Grand Hotel , ascended together to Harvey 's room on the second floor , drew the curtains and placed a bedside lamp on the floor .
13 Just a very brief statement sir to er make it clear as was stated in my evidence I support the comment made by Mr , from Hambleton that the criteria based policy should include the criteria as required by P P G three to indicate the requirements support of the District Council .
14 However , he did not enter those offices but staggered into a neighbouring office where staff smothered the flames and administered first aid .
15 Cheney described the cuts as based upon " fundamental changes under way in the world and Eastern Europe " and " dramatically altered circumstances from a fiscal standpoint " .
16 In future , companies will be expected to meet the deadlines as interpreted by Dodds v Walker .
17 Cook the tortiglioni as directed .
18 Tap the keys as indicated by the boxes rather than typing the letters : eg do not type the letters or the plus sign in Alt+U
19 The House of Commons Transport Committee also considered the options and reported in December 1985 in favour of the Channel Tunnel Group/Franche-Manche scheme .
20 Mike Chittenden staggered in flames into a neighbouring office , where terrified workers doused the flames and administered first aid .
21 Curtis pulled over , doused the lights and parked on the wide verge next to the break in the barrier .
22 Troops violently dispersed the demonstrators and arrested three indigenous leaders .
23 Place the strengtheners as shown .
24 The first decisive blow struck by the Venetians was in AD 1000 , when the doge , Pietro Orseolo II , defeated the Croats and advanced to the mouth of the Neretva , where his fleet destroyed the nest of pirates , the Neretljani , who menaced the shipping routes in the southern Adriatic .
25 Others who 've met the Krays and written about them , like TV presenter Fred Dineage , say it 's harmless enough .
26 Er I 've done the slips and given them to Margaret to be .
27 Trafford Park food companies headed by Kelloggs , Brooke Bond and Walls formed a thirteen food company group which opposed the incinerators and lobbied against the campaign handing in over 40,000 signatures and over 600 submissions were sent to the UDC prior to the date of the decision , including one from the Students ' Union concerned that the University was directly in line with the prevailing wind from the proposed site .
28 Curtis told the police when arrested : ‘ I 'd like to be recognized for making the planet a better place to live in . ’
29 Old dirt is obstinate and also begins to destroy the fibres if left .
30 For the past five years Egham Swan Sanctuary has collected the swans and taken them away for a kind of annual holiday …
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