Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [adj] time [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Using some scraps of board , it is worth experimenting with exposure times to optimise the UV time period .
2 no , so we did n't have an invite I know , I mean normally I 'm taken every year you know , there , to see the old time musical which is great and I look forward to that but cos I did n't get , get there and I love going to Leah Manning as I say we have dancing there on a Wednesday afternoon it 's great , I enjoy it ever so much and I meet all my friends there that I have n't seen for years , you know , that I used to go to clubs with and they 've all arrived there now you know it 's great to see them , I thoroughly enjoy it .
3 Another super-domestique of great experience is Sean Yates from Sussex , who has won a long time trial stage in the tour .
4 In addition , deictic locations always have to be specified with respect to the location of a participant at coding time , i.e. place deixis always incorporates a covert time deixis element , while the converse is not true .
5 But worries over its future have been allayed after Darlington college stepped in to subsidise the cost of employing a full time teacher at the unit to ensure it can continue its daytime classes .
6 Darlington college has now agreed it will subsidise the cost of employing a full time teacher so daytime classes can continue .
7 The , councillor I am not passionate about getting rid of union representation , what I am passionate about is union members paying for their own representation , not me , not the people out there , if they want a full time union official let them pay for it but do n't expect other people to pick up the bill , it 's ludicrous er to er put that sort of money in our budget .
8 Suppose that the contract contains a simple time limit clause such as : The Buyer will notify the Seller of any claim it may have against the Seller for breach of contract within three days of delivery and that the seller delivers short of the required quantity and the goods are later found to suffer from a latent defect .
9 The race build up has been disrupted by the controversy over an attempt to impose a minimum time limit of 1hr 50min , because of road closures .
10 He used a basic time range , later extended , of nine years , checking bibliographic coverage for 4 years before the base year , and four years afterwards .
11 Newton 's law of gravitation has no explicit time dependence , implying that gravitational effects are transmitted instantaneously to all parts of the Universe ; however , it is a basic postulate of SR that signals travel no faster than the speed of light .
12 It has a geography , often in three dimensions , and it has a fast-moving time dimension .
13 The London Implementation Group has a full time press officer working alongside colleagues in the Thames regions .
14 We were surprised at the continuing estimates of fixed costs , as we would have expected a minimal time investment after the first year of familiarisation , but given that training was identified as the major cost , it may be that this forms the bulk of the continuing cost .
15 And the model incorporates an adjustable time lag in the volcanic and solar influences to allow for the time it takes the temperature of the atmosphere and oceans to respond to outside influences .
16 One such band , Victim , made the break from their native Belfast and fell into a false sense of security by capturing a small time record contract with Tony Davidson's ' T.J.M. Label .
17 It can be used to define a typical time scale of the turbulence .
18 We shall further assume a sinusoidal time variation so that
19 I I ca n't comment on on comments that you are referencing , however I will say that in Maryland er we displaced an incumbent vendor who had been there a long time , er that vendor was a bit upset as you might imagine with being displaced as a vendor , and in Maryland we had a situation that kind of evolved into the same kind of political row you would expect when a company loses a long time business .
20 And so these two brothers , they both got back on , but unfortunately er Les , he was made a full time official of the miners , when he retired , full time official of the miners union .
21 Try typing a two letter abbreviation in place of the word antidisestablishmentarianism and you can see the potential time saving .
22 Wings , tail unit , undercarriage , radiators and other sundry items were sent out to various workshops of the ‘ warbird ’ industry , but the team still needed a full time project leader .
23 Does this sound a reasonable time scale ?
24 Following a battery of aptitude tests , those who were fortunate enough to be interviewed were promised a full time position in Banking with career opportunities commensurate with their ability and commitment .
25 But anyway we 've got a tight we 've got a tight time scale .
26 We 've got a tight time scale so we 've got to do this reasonably .
27 we have been waiting a long time traffic calming .
28 ‘ The one-man , two-man bands are going to have increasing difficulty in maintaining a sufficient time allocation for practice performance and enhancement of standards , ’ says Mr Llambias .
29 Note that the cavity feedback involves a finite time delay , of order in certain circumstances this enables the Maxwell-Bloch equations ( required to relate E ( L , t + L/c ) to E ( 0 , t ) ) plus cavity boundary conditions , to be expressed as a discrete mapping in steps of tR — this has been extensively studied in the context of passive resonators , and will be elaborated below .
30 I think that er one of the things that we had to examine at national level er and this was done erm after I became a full time officer , erm there 'd usually be a procedure in the national agreement er whereby first of all if we registered failure to agree at domestic level , erm with the management , the next stage was to draw in the district secretary .
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