Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 This will , in turn , influence the value to the customer and the price he will be willing to pay .
2 This will , in turn , influence the value to the customer and the price he will be willing to pay .
3 Given the most rapid detection possible , the most effective means of transmitting the call to the fire services and their most prompt attendance , it is reasonable to suppose that in the absence of an effective automatic fire extinguishing system or even the benefit of a conventional one , that the fire will have reached a well advanced stage on their arrival .
4 In the case of the Society for Biophysical Medicine , agency staff conducted the transcribing task themselves , and posted the information to the research project .
5 However , believing that the reforms do not go far enough , and backed by the National Council for Civil Liberties ( Liberty ) and The Independent , he is still pursuing the campaign to the European courts .
6 The Asian security man unlocked the door to the documentary department office and loped off down the corridor with a distracted smile on his face .
7 Some examples of these sophisticated Court items , dating from the 17th century , are in existence today , but by the early 19th century , Caucasian weaving had completed the transition to the " folk art " tradition that is universally regarded as the epitome of Caucasian village textile art .
8 By myth is meant here what has generally come to be accepted within sociology and social anthropology since the work of Levi-Strauss : an account of the origins of a society or of particular crucial events in its life , which unite the cosmos to the social structure by actively shaping everyday life perceptions .
9 The square brackets around Your Majesty in the English translation are presumably meant to alert the reader to the fact that the expression does not occur in the original , or that the translator is ‘ guessing ’ what might fill the subject slot in this case .
10 It is suggested that the reaction would be sufficient to alert the defendant to the fact that others may regard his conduct as insulting ; that is , he was aware of all the facts by virtue of which the tribunal of fact comes to the conclusion that his conduct was insulting , and that is sufficient .
11 For those who sell themselves into a like dominion , paying down the price of their own honour , and throwing their soul into the balance to sink the scale to the level of their lusts , must win deliverance hardly .
12 Many of them never wanted to lend overseas in the first place , but were forced into it by the internationalization of American commerce ; as their local clientele expanded into foreign trade , they had no choice but to follow them or lose the business to the money-center banks .
13 In the small mezzanine ‘ A ’ -Control Room stood the producer , his eye on the second-hand of the wall-clock and his right hand raised to signal the start to the conductor who watched him from the studio .
14 In particular , he did not take the opportunity to restore the land to the heir general , his close ally Ralph lord Neville , but simply added it to his fund of patronage .
15 In particular , he did not take the opportunity to restore the land to the heir general , his close ally Ralph lord Neville , but simply added it to his fund of patronage .
16 5 to restore the patient to the maximum health and independence possible after surgery .
17 This would enable him to restore the foot to the proper position of function , and he would keep it like that by strapping it into a right-angle splint , with a kind of plate under the foot attached to splints up the calf .
18 Senior party figures argue that it is impossible for the rules to be changed to restore the nomination to the sitting MP .
19 Both games showed the tremendous amount of work needed in the Republic to restore the team to the top in international terms .
20 The sum of money needed to restore the balance to the original amount is known as the imprest .
21 If you are holidaying in a hot climate , do not expose the camcorder to the sun for long periods , and take a neutral density filter along with you if the light is likely to be particularly brilliant ( sunlight on snow , for example ) to avoid the risk of spoiling shots through over exposure .
22 Do not expose the camcorder to the sun for long periods .
23 Push the pointer to the top of the screen , and click on OPTIONS .
24 Check also that you are getting full movement on the injector pump when you push the throttle to the floor .
25 Squeeze the paper to the ‘ stem ’ and wind some sticky tape round it to secure it .
26 In the meantime , the banks which lent the money to the dealers to enable them to pay the vast prices of the boom period are being very patient in waiting for their money , as it was partly their fault that a bubble economy was created in Japan .
27 He flung the book to the ground and stormed back towards the house , leaving Melissa open-mouthed .
28 ‘ Oh , yer swine , ’ breathed the young woman as he flung the handbag to the ground .
29 The agreement stated that ‘ in consideration of such dfesire ’ the executors would convey the cottage to the widow for her life or so long as she should continue a widow .
30 The Doctor passed the door to the main cavern with approximately a minute and a half to go before Ace 's explosives detonated .
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