Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] me into the " in BNC.

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1 And while I 'm doing that , the two bucks are pushing past me into the room and they 've got his shirt open and they 're really doing a number on him .
2 I shall carry with me into the darkest corners of the world knowledge , peace , freedom , religion , the hope of heaven !
3 After a word with his clerks , Henniker came with me into the other room .
4 Margaret stared at me , then shot by me into the hall .
5 ‘ Is Mrs Vulcan in ? ’ they chorused , peering past me into the room .
6 It was a meadow ready for cutting and suddenly I realized that it was high summer , the sun was hot and that every step brought the fragrance of clover and warm grass rising about me into the crystal freshness of the air .
7 The cat rushed past me into the hallway .
8 The anger went with me into the Regis .
9 ‘ Among the few books I took with me into the Desert was The Oxford Book of Modern Verse which you gave me .
10 A small form whipped past me into the alley and tried to squeeze between my back and the wall I was leaning against .
11 She walks past me into the living room , and I follow like her student nurse .
12 ‘ Then , if you think that I have overstated the reality , why do you not come with me into the slums of Whitechapel or Limehouse ?
13 You must come with me into the tower to accomplish this foul work , since Yet is slain — I need your aid stoking the boilers to keep the electricity at full voltage .
14 I called the dogs and they crowded behind me into the morning room , clip-clipping to their place with the chewed blanket and the bones .
15 I said I 'm sorry Mr but we have n't got Er come with me into the office , I 'll show you , we 've nothing till for a Mr .
16 ‘ He followed me home , and he pushed past me into the house .
17 Again Carol acted as if I was n't there , swaying past me into the middle of the camp where she put her hands on her hips and yelled : ‘ Melissa !
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