Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] one way or " in BNC.

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1 There is no known species of plant that is not attacked in one way or another by them .
2 H B F's assessment that there are about thirty one thousand dwellings already committed in one way or another in the system .
3 There 's I think it 's approximately twenty six hectares identified , erm most of which is committed in one way or another .
4 Soon it was time for luncheon , and the whole of the downstairs staff was occupied in one way or another .
5 A government inquiry cleared the plant , which has in one way or another brought about £100m to the area , but the cows go on dying .
6 We would really like to see this thing over and done with one way or another , and to be able to put our case .
7 Too many good people had died in the war , had suffered in one way or another .
8 Sleep is commonly disturbed in one way or another : some people nod off as soon as they get home and sit down ; they wake up at midnight with the TV still on — and then ca n't get back to sleep again till 3am ; some people find it impossible to wake up in the morning and getting out of bed is a real struggle ; others are awake at half-past four in the morning with their brains buzzing and churning ; some people find themselves getting very sleepy when difficult or anxiety-making things happen .
9 Nowadays most of that set had moved on one way or another , though the odd one still dropped in occasionally .
10 In 1953 , such a territory was alien , almost invisible , a schizo-world of as yet unimagined pleasure ; yet today it is disturbingly familiar , this condition described by Jameson as living ‘ in a perpetual present and in a perpetual change that obliterates traditions of the kind which all earlier social formations have had in one way or another to preserve ’ .
11 Nowadays most of the wood which is used in engineering is laminated in one way or another .
12 These youths had all escaped in one way or another from forced labour throughout the archipelago and the mainland colonies ; there were some women with them , but not many , and Dulé planned to bring Ariel and her baby to live with him on Oualie .
13 Many items were donated outright ; many were lent for the duration , but everything was volunteered in one way or another .
14 I felt that as a Minister of the Eucharist I am privileged to accompany Our Lord to my fellow pilgrims , particularly those who are sick or bereaved in one way or another .
15 All these countries have been affected in one way or another by escalating destruction .
16 We went out separate ways , nearly all of us to be affected in one way or another by the Bodyline tour .
17 Inside the house of a friend of mine nearly everything was affected in one way or another .
18 ‘ There were 200 children helping in one way or another , ’ he said.Mr Thackray said some of the cash raised , which he hopes will be well over £2,000 , would be used to construct an environmental area in the school grounds.The rest of the money would boost school funds , he added .
19 Thus the various hospital plans , the community care plans , the comprehensive school reorganisations , the positive discrimination policies , the community development projects , the urban aid programmes , etc. , were intended in one way or another to reduce inequalities primarily of access to a greater or lesser extent .
20 Now while there is no reason to doubt that the first kind of structure contributes in one way or another to the effect of the poem , it can be and has been argued ( Riffaterre 1966 : 206ff. ) that the second is in most cases irrelevant to the text 's poetic status , since it tends to fall well below the ordinary reader 's level of consciousness .
21 Predators and prey have to be coped with one way or the other , but strong pressures also come from social companions .
22 When the sentence has been passed , possibly ( as the sentencer indicated in this case ) with the benefit of some mitigation , it is discovered that the means to pay either did not exist or have in one way or another disappeared .
23 The pictures show women from various classes all suffering in one way or another , which is clearly shown by their pained expressions .
24 He has been the most inspiring of any artist that I 've ever been exposed to one way or another .
25 Its examples were followed in one way or another in the various collections of Christoph Demantius ( 1567–1643 ) , Valentin Haussmann ( d. c. 1612 ) , Erasmus Widmann ( 1572–1634 ) , Hassler 's pupil Melchior Franck ( c. 1580–1639 ) , and others .
26 With a number of recent recordings of these works by various players , most of whom claim in one way or another the composer 's approval of their performance , it is certainly worth hearing how Messiaen himself approached his organ music .
27 Since much of the research done in Britain has been influenced in one way or another by linguistic research in the Caribbean , it will be necessary to refer to some of the theoretical approaches to the language situation there .
28 So many variables play a part — sunlight , wind , rain , snow and frost all affecting ferreting in one way or another .
29 What William Morris said , a century ago , when he spoke of ‘ humanity , wasted in one way or another by poverty or superfluity ’ has even greater urgency now .
30 To do this , he should know something about the probability of sounds being symbolised in one way or another , and which is the most likely way for this set of sounds to be symbolised .
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