Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] not be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the group fails , the leader is criticized for not being strong enough !
2 Yeah , but in the beginning I 'd get criticized for not being quick enough in my ,
3 During the heavy defeat in Australia he was criticized for not being able to instil spirit into a losing team , and was fully aware of his shortcomings .
4 Would he be punished for not being sorry ?
5 Not surprisingly these tribunals have been criticized as not being independent of the Ministry of Labour or of the Unemployment Assistance Board .
6 Erm one from Paddy and I have an official letter er apologizing for not being able to be here .
7 They must , therefore , be dismissed as not being good in themselves , or not to any considerable degree .
8 Jon Gittens could be recalled after not being available for the cup-tie .
9 But you see with him being ill , he worries about not being able to bring money in .
10 ‘ We apologise for not being able to bring you the report from Riyadh .
11 I 've never heard of not being able to pay by , you ca n't , it was cheque , Access , nowt .
12 He remembered what she 'd said about not being able to eat eggs .
13 An additional comment , raised during the plenary session , was that those from ethnic communities were rarely seen as a positive resource able to offer a new expertise , but that , rather , they were regarded as being doubly disadvantaged in that they were often seen as not being fluent users of English and not being part of the British culture .
14 That avenue is now regarded in some quarters as not nearly as strategic as cuddling up with Novell , despite the disappointment USL employees might feel in not being able to cash in their stock and options that way .
15 The trains are so fast that the passengers complain about not being able to see any of the countries beautiful scenery .
16 Shiftworkers commonly complain of not being able to get enough sleep and of feeling chronically sleepy .
17 ‘ Nurses everywhere are saying that although they remain loyal to the NHS , they are frustrated by not being able to give patients the quality of care they need .
18 But listen , you must n't think I 'm wearying about not being able to paint any more .
19 Full colour : ‘ Listen , you must n't think I 'm wearying about not being able to paint any more , ’ says Mary Armour .
20 But he would never recover from not being able to afford her — or his apartment .
21 ‘ She was complaining at not being able to get through because my number was engaged and I said I 'd been talking to you .
22 He professes to not be ready for that .
23 After that tour , Western Province employed both myself and Graham Gooch for two winters , which partially made up for the fees we lost by not being able to tour with England during the three-year Test ban .
24 ‘ And apologized for not being well enough , what was it , Pip ? ’
25 Television was so quick to join the Yuppie Backlash that there is now a real danger of a Yuppie Backlash Drama Backlash , in which the viewer starts muttering about not being able to switch on the bloody set without seeing a broker being broken .
26 Y'know kind of kind of comments or playful thoughts you might pass about somebody but you you try not to do it seriously as it were , you try not to let it affect your behaviour towards them , you try to not be surprised if they disclose they 're gay or heterosexual or whatever so er
27 Britain 's toughest young offenders prison has been criticised for not being secure enough to take the most dangerous inmates .
28 That 's summat else we 've had to think about not being nasty are we or anything , but as soon as you get married , your marriage certificate 'll have to go for housing .
29 Here the great problem is to try to decide if the non-respondents differ in any way from the respondents and of course in most cases they obviously do in not being interested in the subject of the survey itself .
30 During the toddler period some children 's awareness and motivation outstrips their co-ordination and so anger at not being able to get the doll 's arm into the jumper or the man into the fire engine can suddenly cause the child to scream in frustration and throw the toy across the room .
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