Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er I do n't I think as it goes on y you do start and get that anger that anger so bad , but erm But I 'll leave you to get on Doctor .
2 You control a floating hand that wibbles of its own accord but still responds to joystick commands , so you do n't have to wait for it to wobble onto the bit of the board you want to shoot at .
3 Permission was given for it to move into the Imperial Institute , but there was no shelving , which made the library unusable .
4 At seven o'clock it goes through it gets into Glasgow .
5 ‘ Aye , he used to look out for his dad 's cart on a Saturday at about 4.45 and he 'd wait for it to come across the line there .
6 Far more of the current national movements than care to be reminded of it have in practice given up envisaging total state independence as their final aim , at all events in Europe , the traditional home of the principle of nationality .
7 With something like two-thirds of the whole French Army to pass along it bound for the dreadful Calvary of Verdun , the title Maurice Barres coined for it was hardly a profanity : the Voie Sacrée .
8 And the Ford Fiesta crashed into it seconds after four-year-old Andrew Afflick landed on the other side .
9 And the Ford Fiesta crashed into it seconds after four-year-old Andrew Afflick landed on the other side .
10 The electric kettle broke down and will not work unless somebody stands beside it holding in the knob .
11 The invitation to appear on it came at very short notice , and even though she 's no longer modelling except at charity functions , she feels a need to keep in the public eye , so she did n't want to turn it down , but she insisted that Florian and I should keep to our plans . ’
12 Brooks emphasizes the internal contradictions of the poem : the fact that the urn is silent , but also speaks ; that it is motionless , yet the scenes depicted on it seem to be alive ; that unheard melodies are sweeter than those which one hears , and so on .
13 what do you think of it compared to Microsoft 's Word ?
14 I have certainly heard of it happening in the present day , but the old methods are dying out as people become alienated from the countryside they live in .
15 A swallowtail caterpillar , sitting on a leaf , is certainly conspicuous , being green with irregular flecks of white , but it is seldom noticed for it looks like a bird dropping .
16 So are they looking for it to lead to a , sort of getting back to last week 's terminology , a restoration or , or are are they actually , do they know that they 're getting involved in a revolution ?
17 The ticket hall had one of those systems where you take a number from a machine by the door and wait for it to appear above one of the ticket windows .
18 Well , now I 've been past many a field of hay but it does n't smell like it used to in my young days .
19 Zach put it on and when the jacket was done up it looked as if he was wearing a proper dress shirt .
20 It is important to study the changing distribution of income between social groups in the present context , because it may carry with it changes in the distribution of income between different types of place .
21 The black velvet canopy hung above it had to be renewed .
22 In other words the history of jewellery and of the precious substances incorporated in it needs to be studied in the context of social history and vice versa .
23 I feel sure that the German Luftwaffe must have looked at it especially the leaders , and saw where the Eighth Airforce hit and seeing what we did and gave them some thought and consideration , actually with our Bomb Group going in we had no fighter attacks on the way in over the target , we had flack but we did not have air opposition , then on the way back we crossed the Danish peninsula and I think of course by this time the Luftwaffe knew we were coming back that way , and they had the fighters up there and this was our first time being on this mission that we saw air to air combat with the fighters against the flying fortress and in our ammunition , in our guns there , every fifth bullet was a tracer and it was amazing to me that as the German fighters came in it looked like just a hail of tracers going out but they were able to get in there knock down a B Seventeen and leave , it seemed , unscathed untouched it almost seemed impossible to me that a fighter could go through that many bullets and escape unharmed .
24 Then he was up and levering the round boulder free , not listening to it crash down the mountain , doubting if the attackers would hear or see — and , if they did , whether they would be persuaded that it was his own body tumbling — but it was one extra little chance that cost him only a few seconds .
25 Living at Betty 's house , I had been listening to it speak for long enough .
26 And in that case the epistemological asymmetry which depends on it falls to the ground .
27 The place I got , I used to hate going to bed — it was so damp , I had to listen to it dripping off the curtains .
28 It makes a change that the burden of more want is put on the central government instead of local authorities , because too often in the past , central government has said , in many issues , oh , we think you should have that , but the responsibility for paying for it comes from the local authority .
29 As a piece of hardware the Touchmaster tablet appears to have a lot going for it compared with its rivals like the Grafpad and the Koala-pad .
30 The nest was built whilst the truck was in use , so the bird must have been patiently waiting for it to return after each journey so that it could carry on with nest building .
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