Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 At the conclusion of The Return of the King , the third of the three books — Tolkien always denied they were a trilogy — Frodo and his friends ride back to their lost land , to discover that ‘ they cared about it more than any other place in the world ’ , though its cottages and gardens have been laid waste and replaced by ugly new houses and factories belching smoke ; and they defeat the ruffians who had defiled it and resume the kingdom of little men .
2 Howard smiles , and frowns , and thinks about it seriously as they all have tea in the orchard , and Miriam , in her dark glasses and clothes for motoring out to the country in , smokes furiously to keep away the insects , and chatters on about what happened when they went to dinner with the Chases the previous week , and Michael Wayland forgot Prue 's name .
3 Er they grumble about it today but when you think there there there was very little dole in those days , very little dole .
4 A long title sequence , for example , is not necessary and can be positively irritating if you rewind too far and have to sit through it again when you want to repeat the programme .
5 erm you know kind of er call that a first draft and then sort , you know , sort of try and sort of go through the books again and stick a few references in to back up the points you 've made so you can see it relates to other people 's evidence erm trying to go through it again and knock out the well you know what I mean kind of statements and , and , you know , you can gradually sort of make the er grad you know sort of but again it 's , it 's , it 's one of these processes that I find , you know , you need to go through again and again and again to sort of get it er get it together erm so erm
6 To go through it sometimes and change it old people like to do that .
7 You can not just hop on a train in Sweden , but must think about it carefully and purchase a ticket in advance .
8 Nonsense can never be talked with impunity by anyone ; and when governments solemnly talk nonsense in the name of nations , harm is certain to come of it sooner or later .
9 They were permitted into it only when giving evidence and not more than one at a time .
10 He can then stand on Old Sarum , look south and see Salisbury Cathedral and Clearbury Ring aligning with it exactly as on the map .
11 The need for arousal thought well should I be absolutely calm when I 'm giving a presentation but I never am so is it right and now understanding that you need a certain level of arousal to be able to perform at all is is satisfying for me because at least I understand the situation now and able to work with it rather than against it .
12 M M My Lords , i it is important that whatever is taught to a child between the ages of five and eleven that the child is able to benefit from it educationally if the child is , is overloaded as it were by being presented erm a curriculum that they simply can not manage , then that 's going to create confusion , but it 's also important to say that one of the erm er objectives of this whole exercise is to underpin all education , both morally and spiritually and I believe we 're doing a great deal to get that right .
13 Charity was included in it too and Mona launched into a short sermon on her favourite subject , patriotism .
14 They are entitled to do that in a free European democracy , but we are entitled to hold our ground and to argue that we as a nation were never committed to a united states of Europe in 1973 , that we are not committed to it now and that we do not intend to pre-empt that decision .
15 Whilst agreeing in part but disagreeing substantially with the assumptions of Ludmer , I felt — and still feel — that the attraction of sport for black kids is a little more complex and that any full understanding can not assume that sport constitutes an area freed of racialism , or that black youths are attracted to it simply because they see it as such .
16 It the statement is taken in this way , a hearer should assent to it only if he believes that I have the belief .
17 I know that if you are going to be really good at sport you have to concentrate on it completely and give up all your spare time and energy to it .
18 Expected to jump to it just because you click your fingers !
19 Although Preston still referred to it privately as the God slot , as he had indicated to Kate it made little or no reference to the Almighty .
20 I think I concentrated on it only because you got married .
21 He took the trouble to work on it further when it was given again the following season , eliminating the somewhat superfluous role of a pastor , for instance , and putting the women into soft shoes instead of point shoes so that the movement looked more natural .
22 The rite of passage of marriage is not , interestingly enough , if one looks at it carefully but baptism certainly is .
23 Okay , so you 've looked at it again and worked out that the strings appear as though they 've somehow slipped across the body .
24 We 've come across it before and there 's sometimes there is a little way out so let's see if you can just think of it , so let's start with Craig and we 'll go anti-clockwise .
25 They are carried by it only if the water has enough energy to lift and shift them — that is , if there is a great enough mass of water , moving sufficiently quickly .
26 I just wonder what the little girl will make of it all when she 's older .
27 My father did n't think of it again till this German visited the shop and showed him an illustration .
28 ( He was n't really lying — they did often think of it even if they did n't get down to it . )
29 He wished Emily were with him , to share the adventure ; to talk about it afterwards and laugh with relief .
30 I do n't want to talk about it any-more because it is so distressing , ’ Casabona said .
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