Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] if i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't want to sound as if I have n't got sympathy with people 'cause I know it 's bloody hard , but I know a lot of blacks who use it [ blackness ] as an excuse and we 've got to be careful that we do n't use it like that .
2 One very quick point , sorry erm I do n't want to sound as if I feel I can but er I welcome your comment at the beginning the condition be be left out on what 's going on because I thought this was actually the key function of this committee and I mean I see these are being decision has been taken .
3 Do n't get me wrong , I like flashy bass playing and it would be wrong for me to sound as if I did n't approve ; it 's just that these kind of situations are always a trade-off .
4 My heart was thumping as if I had run a race and there was a pain in my back .
5 Maybe this is why I am treated as if I 've polluted the town 's water .
6 Patterson 's eyes flickered as if I 'd given him a straw to grasp , but I pressed on .
7 It might have looked as if I wanted the bloody money ! ’
8 ‘ It looks as if I 'd better , does n't it ? ’
9 It looks as if I 've got no hands . ’
10 ‘ But it looks as if I 've been lucky and escaped the worst of it .
11 ‘ It looks as if I 've wasted your time . ’
12 ‘ Carrington , I must admit I never much believed in any of this malarkey , but it looks as if I 've been proved wrong .
13 It always looks as if I 've gone along with a sort of scalpel at the bottom of the letters as well , a sort of shaved off
14 I thought to myself , ‘ I have n't bought any tickets for the raffle but it looks as if I have won first prize . ’
15 " It looks as if I have to , " I said .
16 When I eventually did get home , though , I remembered most of those I had forgotten as if I had not been away .
17 By then large drops were falling all around me , another landing on my wig and one splashing on my shoulder , making me jump as if I 'd been prodded with a therm-knife .
18 They behaved as if I 'd got something to do with the wretched man 's disappearance .
19 ‘ Damn it , stop looking as if I 've just hit you again !
20 When Maria knocked on the door at half past five I woke as if I had a hangover .
21 Well no , what do I do about if I get given a detention ?
22 Elsie B graced me with a long chat which made me feel as if I 'd been in the presence of royalty , though I suspect not too many members of the Royal Family are at their desk as early as Elsie .
23 ‘ You make me feel as if I 'd died . ’
24 It stops me concentrating on breathing properly and makes me feel as if I 've lost control of the situation .
25 Er , my experience is slightly different when erm when I had been trying to sort of recover , I did n't , I did n't feel as if I 've get any help from professionals that I approached .
26 I am chickening out cos I do n't feel as if I 've learnt an awful lot .
27 And I shall feel as if I 've got up , been round the world
28 Sorry to say this , but I did n't feel as if I liked any of the people I was involved with either . ’
29 Maybe I do n't feel as if I exist in my own right .
30 I did n't accept er the opportunity to retire and take it easy , it seemed as if I had worked twenty seven years for nothing !
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