Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] be [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There appear to be few limits to the human capacity to learn .
2 It 's expected to be some weeks before all the shops damaged in the arson attack can be re-opened .
3 It has to do , it has to be all bits , that 's what that 's all you do .
4 Thus the modern saloon and hatchback has to be all things to all people .
5 There now has to be more meetings to see how it 's going to work in practice . ’
6 I do n't want to either , Bill , but I must come back on this , I mean Choppy wants all things and wants to be all things to all men .
7 There needs to be more dips , swerves , lapses , use of space and architecture .
8 Her voice was deliberately childish ; she was acting , he realized , pretending to be several years younger than she was .
9 Minutes were felt to be factors in these results , whereas in the Potteries hours , or even days at times , were hardly felt to be such factors .
10 Soon , he lost track of time and it was after what he judged to be many days , he was heartened to hear , occasionally , the far-off sound of metal on rock as his friends tried to clear a way through to him .
11 The examples described below illustrate all these , though as yet there do not appear to be many instances of disasters in the management of which GIS has played a significant part .
12 Themes in existence by 1950 were continued in subsequent decades but they have developed so extensively and changed so dramatically that their origins may now appear to be many years away .
13 There would appear to be few situations when access to the premises at high level would be of value or desirable in emergencies .
14 Sadly , there do not appear to be any takers .
15 There did not appear to be any police in the crowd .
16 Though pedestrians and cyclists are to be ‘ encouraged to use the facilities provided for them ’ there do not appear to be any facilities other than the traditional footpath .
17 It seemed to be all suckers and tentacles .
18 They seemed to be all sizes .
19 There seemed to be few females outwith these two categories .
20 I needed to go to the toilet , and with every step I took there seemed to be more convulsions from my guts .
21 There seemed to be more quarrels indoors when the children were crowded together .
22 Yes , I 've always , I 've always understood , understood more recently the reason why that there would always seemed to be enough prisoners , when we know there really must be enough prisoners throughout the world is that the betting procedure and they 're making quite sure they 're the right people takes time and money and effort , erm , that 's part and also there are some areas of the world now , where , where there are n't as many prisoners as there were , there are very few , there are very few prisoners of conscience in Latin America because they do n't put them in prison they just get rid of them , they just disappear and there are practically , practically none from Latin America countries , cos of these , these disappearances rather than being put in prison , erm , but it 's a sort of combination of reasons I think but er quite a long time now , ten , fifteen years I think groups have only had one prisoner , whereas when I first joined and Ann 's there , we had three did n't we at one time ?
23 As a result , agents of the owner , who happen to be former principals of Sotheby 's , arranged for the procurement of another set of licenses from the Lebanon ’ .
24 Of the best , who happen to be all men .
25 While television coverage has not been monitored in the same way as the press in this study , there seems an increasing focus in television on sexual cases where there are thought to be many victims .
26 I mean , we were young ; there happened to be more girls in the neighbourhood than boys , and we experimented — there was nothing vicious about it .
27 And if you do choose to use teacher-in-role there are going to be many occasions when you 'll have to step out of role to reflect on the work .
28 There is going to be all forms of Jihad all over the world because there is a sacred element , there is an element erm of er which is the presence of a foreign non-Muslim force in the Holy Land ; this is a very explosive element .
29 ‘ Are you going to be all blokes together ? ’ said his wife , emerging on to the landing folding a pair of jodhpurs .
30 ‘ It 's not going to be all romances and girls and all that , ’ he says matter-of-factly .
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