Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] of of " in BNC.

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1 And also using the distribution of of deliveries to the door daily we can also use the sales staff to as assist us in distribution .
2 When we 're talking about the negligence factor , obviously the insurance does n't cover the negligence of of a repairer , erm any faults inherent at the time of purchase are obviously not our responsibility and I do n't think any reasonable person would expect us to cover that because obviously we 're we 're in insurance , we 're not taking on risks already , we 're taking on a risk of mechanical failure of items after they 're sold , not obviously before they 're sold .
3 You asked the question of of what this criterion erm could mean and I 'd suggest that it means the following .
4 Could I just say sir , this is the re report which is , is made er each year to this committee , to inform the committee of of the work , and I hope members are pleased with the er wide range and volume work which has been carried out , and note in particular the involvement of this service with the public , and the er pleasure of the public and those have made donations , the fact that over eight thousand people have visited , and the number of people who 've erm received lectures and have benefitted from that .
5 In my experience , British Rail whilst wishing to encourage the use of of trains as they would , er are resistant to opening stations that just delay journey times .
6 Having been through the six months of the greenbelt local plan enquiry , I can say quite clearly to this er examination in public , that I doubt whether there is the land available erm er around the inner edge erm erm to increase the level of of housing development in and around the city without seriously prejudicing greenbelt objectives .
7 Er approximately eight hundred hectares I think , and I suppose the cynical amongst us might might say what has the allocation of of nearly a hundred hectares of land adjacent to the A one , some of which is in in greenbelt , what has that got anything to do with the er vitality of of Leeds commercial centre or urban regeneration , but we accept that 's a that 's a matter for Leeds , we not objecting to their proposals .
8 I I move the petition in my name on the green order paper Chairman , to restrict the speed of of cars in Mossgate , Leicester on behalf of Weston Park Labour party .
9 Basically just to put some flesh on the bones of what Michael has said that that is a view of the w of the Greater York study that erm the A sixty four south corridor is more likely er to er serve the needs of Leeds then it is to serve the needs of of of York .
10 Erm I think as Mr said , there does seem to be a fair degree of erm consensus around the table with the exception of that er a location in the Leeds York corridor would be less likely to serve the needs of of erm of York than than location on the north side .
11 Er public opinion did n't welcome the overthrow of of the Shah , it was immediately horrified and everyone gathered together to er try and bring about a re- establishment of the Shah .
12 But when you have a community centre like street that is which a joint you can see the value of of of maintaining it as a a paid for as a a a erm and be substantial volunteer input that exists .
13 It would have made it more difficult , but the way that Maxwell used to involve himself in bulk transfers , you know and move , move two hundred pensioners from there to there and er no money followed and this sort of thing , I think that er that he could of quite frankly done exactly the same thing and we really feel that the , that the role of the pension regulator and the and the opposing role with I M R O that , that you really if we 're not careful , we 're going to put in another layer of bureaucracy and have a pension regulator who 's got the task of of checking a , a hundred and twenty eight thousand pension funds , when really there 's probably out of those a hundred and twenty eight thousand , ninety-nine point five per cent of probably being very well well run and , and quite safe and what , what we ca n't really see in the report is a is a method of identifying the determined fraudster at a at a very early stage , you know and we 're just terribly disappointed that er that Good has just thrown the whole of , of the matter back at I M R O who we feel have proved to tha that I do n't think they 're up to the task , I think that the that the whole question of er of the power of a self regulatory body which to us works on blowing the whistle , you know the whole the whole effect of a self regulatory body is that it 's members that it , it 's really like a club is n't it , you know and we 're all members of this club and if one of us er is gon na do something wrong , then the rest of us are gon na have to pay for it .
14 I e , enjoy the process of of
15 But basically turning to the Selby situation erm I mean here here we have a district that does n't have any areas of acknowledged national or landscape im importance at all but as as I mentioned previously that 's not to say that there are n't valuable areas of countryside within the district and areas which to use use the words of of P P G advice are valued by the people that live and and work in the district and and also by visitors .
16 Well I 've got a supply of of questionnaires so er I 'm sorry if you so I 'll Come in .
17 Er similarly we feel it would be more appropriate if that were to be the case er perhaps should point out there are other schemes where we have shown a series of of lines stars on the key diagram , it 's not just on the Harrogate .
18 The other exception to accept the erm the the savings identified as possibilities relate to item thirty structural and maintenance of of the roads we could make a cut of of half a million .
19 If policy can be set to one side then it is set to one side and I think it enhances the reputation of of the system .
20 so they do n't have the problem of of of of of
21 That 'd be the bollards and the , the er set , the York stone sets which continue the line of of Road basically , from the entrance to 's Court straight across towards erm towards the erm greengrocers .
22 The rooms , erm we 've tried to this has been a bit tied up since the broadcast , we 've tried to have it fairly cluttery so that kids for instance if they 're not used to sheep , can come and come and have a sniff of of of er you know .
23 There were problems a few years ago when it first started with th the initial contract which was was won by the the County 's own direct service organization and now it seems we 're having a repeat of of those problems .
24 I 've followed the events of of this erm unhappy but hardy perennial some time now erm I 've found it unusual because there was no Liberal volte face until now and er quite a lot of things happened where the Liberals changed their mind and I naturally started to wonder what has happened to make this change of mind come about and all I 'll say is I hope that it does n't have much to do with events in other counties or with any by-election .
25 Um and erm y'know maybe there 's particular events , sometimes it 's therapy , sometimes it 's something else um which prompts the memories of of being abused .
27 And in the end , did you , I mean wha , did you get the support of of professionals or or
28 Erm all those I 've mentioned before I think the number of of people who were convicted of petty offences , and maybe had never offended af before and did n't offend ever again , was probably quite high .
29 Back to front , cos he 'd be carrying a lot of of hay on his back and that was to stop the hay seed , going down between it shirt and his skin .
30 But black professionals who had the respect of of the young element in the flats .
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