Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] of why " in BNC.

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1 Because teachers often can not answer the question of why they teach as they do and because they refer to statements such as that they just know what to do or have a feeling or sense about what to do , it has been suggested that what guides teachers in making sense of their work and what commits them to action is a mixture of " personal knowledge , tacit knowledge , routine knowledge … when conscious thought is not permitted the time to percolate and inform practice " ( Simons and Elliott 1989 ) .
2 The obvious inadequacy of this explanation is that it begs the question of why exposure to a stimulus should allow the acquisition of a new response — we usually suppose only that existing unconditioned responses ( URs ) will habituate .
3 But H&C has never really addressed the question of why these diverse businesses should be together .
4 However , the firm selling overseas needs an understanding of why they behave in that way .
5 The anthropologist Susan Harding has an account of why women and men in a Spanish village use different styles of discourse which depends on the idea that the sexes have differing roles .
6 Wesley has an explanation of why the believer can not explain to the unbeliever what he or she has learned by faith .
7 Talking to Andre Malraux years later , Picasso went so far as to say that it was on this occasion that he all of a sudden received the revelation of why he was a painter at all and that ‘ I realized what painting was all about ’ .
8 To say that effects are events which in a fundamental or standard sense can be explained is to say this : there is a possibility of our finding a proposition which fully answers the question of why they occurred .
9 They then spent the rest of the lesson — the first part had taken twenty minutes — in writing an account of why Rome was settled where it was and comparing it with the legends that they knew concerning Rome .
10 If some biological constraint can rule out , or make unrealistic , some normative practice or institution , then knowledge of it may not only encourage us to decline that practice if it is suggested , but may also contribute an explanation of why human communities do not in general display that practice or institution .
11 DOCTORS may be closer to solving the mystery of why Frenchmen who eat rich , fatty food , take little exercise and smoke heavily manage to escape the consequences of heart disease .
12 In the US Congress the House banking committee , chaired by Henry Gonzalez , was one of a number of committees now investigating the question of why the US government 's Commodity Credit Corp .
13 Geoff Gillham ( 1979 ) , in a paper read to a Cockpit Theatre Conference in 1978 , raises the question of why young children are not generally confused by the two .
14 All this raises the question of why the Reagan administration wants to quit the business of satellites in the first place .
15 A metaphysical world view raises the question of why you attracted that event .
16 The life cycle of the cuckoo raises the question of why host birds should accept a brood parasite 's eggs , and why they should feed this alien monster in their nest ?
17 This argument raises the question of why it is that sexual dimorphism and polygyny are related at all .
18 This initially suggests that female preferences are more important , and raises the question of why female crested auklets have a similar sized crest ornament to males .
19 Because we do not know who owns Delion we do not know who bought the property , which raises the question of why the purchasers want to remain anonymous .
20 Further , the fact that lesion of the cerebellum x including the flocculus in rabbits , cats and monkeys , or subdural application in rabbits and monkeys of haemoglobin ( which blocks LTD ) , abolishes the entire VOR adaptation , raises the question of why brain stem synaptic plasticity does not show up in the absence of cerebellar plasticity .
21 This raises the question of why measures of deprivation are being put forward instead of morbidity measures .
22 A little deeper thinking raises the question of why organization participants should accept such core values .
23 To treat governors and parents — and ideally non-teaching staff too — in a way different from teaching staff raises the question of why there should be differences if the process of management is a democratic activity which is conducted between equals .
24 But the model does provide an explanation of why fieldworking anthropologists set about things in the way they do .
25 Luckily , grand unified theories may provide an explanation of why the universe should now contain more quarks than antiquarks , even if it started out with equal numbers of each .
26 Cabrera 's possible detection of a monopole last year aroused a great deal of excitement , but at the same time raised the question of why he had succeeded , where the many other experimental searches had failed .
27 Mr Murphy also raised the issue of why Navan Resources wished to mine andalusite when it can be manufactured more cheaply than it can be mined : ‘ Maybe because it is gold — there is gold there but the problem with gold is getting it out , because that is a very difficult process which involves the use of cyanide as a metal wash ’ .
28 He later addressed the question of why this awareness only arises occasionally ( in The Interpretation of Dreams ) by saying that it is an expression of conflict about the will .
29 This would be true for at least two of the examples of ( 18 ) , to which we may add at random : ( 32 ) some delegates who were German frowned the starling which is inquisitive is female It is emphatically not the answer to say , " those which can not become postnominal attributives turn into prenominals instead " , for two reasons : first , as we have already seen , there is a major difference of function between prenominal position and predicative position as occupied by the adjective in the sort of relative clause proposed ; and , second , this still leaves us facing the question of why some relative clauses can apparently be reduced to postnominal adjectives and others can not ( indeed this question , previously passed by , has been in serious need of an answer from those who want to relate prenominal adjectives — or simply attributives in general — to predicative position ) .
30 This may contain the secret of why Waterers is flourishing while the average turnover of British landscaping companies languishes at £300,000 .
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