Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [det] and i " in BNC.

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1 Obviously interpreted your er But I think we 'll have to work towards that and I I agree Sue I think there 's two ways either saying , you know , we don we do it for everything , or
2 This I think is actually more likely to get people to register to vote , I think regardless of any party affiliation you all have something to benefit from that and I suspect the vast majority of members of the council will see that any well designed leaflet that gets people to put themselves on the register is to the benefit of democracy .
3 He lingers over that and I wait for him to ask why I was visiting a Communist state .
4 I just ca n't see it ending at all and I do n't know what 'll happen when John gets out .
5 Er I should say that I 'm only saying this because it 's written in front of me , some churches apparently in York are putting on alternative festivities er I do n't think they 're trying very hard because I have n't heard of any and I certainly do n't move around the place , hear of any .
6 well I can understand that , yes well I , I , I , just say was n't going to rule on this and I 'm not in , not er convinced at the moment it would be appropriate to rule on it er as part of the er , in any judgment I gave , but it seemed to me quite important on reflection to , to hear the way what you were putting it
7 Now that is accepted by all and I 've discussed it recently I say with one of the Roman Catholic hierarchy .
8 I 've thought about that and I think it 's a bad policy for any museum to be known to be selling pictures or any work of art .
9 Well look through that and I wa what I want now is if you , can try and work your way through it .
10 Erm I , I will look through that and I will see if there 's anything within those delegated authorities that I can actually delegate downwards to your good selves .
11 And my hands were going like this and I looked at my clock and it was about six o'clock and it was still pitch black because it jump back into bed .
12 I had a little Fender lap-steel guitar , and I 'd heard bottleneck players and blues players and I kept trying to play like that and I just could n't figure it out .
13 Bob wanted chicken tikka massala and then he said give me the list and wrote down on it two chicken tikka massalas so I look on that and I ca n't see anything two chicken kormas , one and two chicken tikka massalas .
14 Okay now looking at all the other stuff on there , and I look at that and I think well this is all very boring because it 's all about business , and business as we know is incredibly unimportant .
15 Oh well , I , I , I mean I , my mind , my memory is going I know , but I , but I look at that and I turn it over each month and I have a look at I have an idea what 's
16 I was gon na look at that and I forgot it .
17 I mean if you put your hand up to the sun you can feel it , you detect it , your eyes detect it , well you have detectors which detect them and , for example , if I want to detect something like an electron well then I can make a counter which is sensitive to charged particles like electrons , and I can allow these electrons to hit this counter and it will produce erm an identifiable electrical pulse and I can look at that and I can say this is an electron , or I can look at other particles , say , for things like helium nuclei which are called alpha particles , and I can make counters which will detect these and I can put a little piece of paper in front and I can stop off the alpha particles .
18 I was not sure how best to deal with this and I will consult a solicitor about investments . ’
19 ‘ But within half and hour I could not move at all and I went to hospital .
20 ‘ My dear Ellis , continue like this and I 'll put a word in for you and get you job . ’
21 I think if the committee did that then we 'd be back to what five or six years ago , when a whole afternoon was spent on that and I would n't commend that to you , but can we perhaps have a word with the officers at a later stage , take it on board what both Graham and Anne have been saying , and obviously not trying to do that in a meeting like this but try to prepare for it a month before-hand .
22 and blind people go wait a minute you know , I want to go to this and I want to go to that
23 So , concentrate on this and I 'm , I 'm , must get round to , I 'm sorry my life has been in turmoil because of the , the dog situation , Jean and I have n't been up to the West End , but erm , I , I know which book I want , I want to get you , erm , and yes , I want you to do this , so and this actually it 's very good , very difficult , good , do a bit of technic .
24 Your neck could be on the chop if you were to say what you felt about this and I 'm awfully sorry .
25 I 'm deeply sad that he feels like that and I would hope that when it happens , he might feel it 's not quite so bad and that he might change his mind .
26 Everybody everybody happy well I you just sort of went like that and I was n't quite sure whether you was sort
27 and I 'd got a bit of an headache , well I took two tablets and it had gone before Steve come in and er I had me tea and I w I went like that and I thought God almighty !
28 And she laughed and she said here here here she went like this and I shou shouted as well .
29 And they looked like that and I says , what , I says , they 've caused these men to earn all this money I says they 're earning more money than and that 's all you 're gon na offer me ?
30 ( Interestingly , he gave up athletics for one year after leaving school — and the influence of teachers — because ‘ there was no one to say , ‘ go into this and I 'll help you do it . ’ ’
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