Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [det] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was the moment Lynch had been building for all his life .
2 In our study a sample of newspapers was examined for all their stories about rape and sexual crime more generally .
3 Combining elements from his childhood reading with his reading about recent political thought and events , Eliot shows the man-child who has not evolved a cry , and so for whom ‘ the lost word is lost ’ , as trapped in a corner , paralysed for all his magnificence and that of his City .
4 The advantage of this approach would be that it would enable a mixed economy to be operated i.e. some institutions be validated in the present way ; , others who were ‘ chartered ’ would not necessarily be accredited for all their courses in that their courses would be validated in the present ways .
5 The purpose of community intervention is not simply to observe but to ensure that treatment is sustained for those whose illness , in terms of either severity or nature , warrants this .
6 In November 1944 the Town and Country Planning Bill passed through all its stages , but the political objections to the compensation provisions caused great difficulty to the end .
7 They were not eligible for free hospital treatment for any other purpose — an evasion of the problem that fifteen million insured people , if actually treated for all their needs , would have overwhelmed the hotch-potch of voluntary and Poor Law hospitals .
8 To go through all her husband 's personal belongings sent back from the hospital where he died .
9 You will then need to go through all your entries to edit out your wrong spellings and inconsistencies since it is unlikely that you will have transcribed everything perfectly the first time .
10 Would that , I hope that will that er , you will agree to that , because we do n't want people hanging around waiting for us to go through all our items so I hope you 'll agree with that .
11 rose to thank for all his work for the fellows .
12 We now know that the same goes for all our particles of inheritance .
13 I was n't deceived , for Nour had been kind when I had been what he called ‘ good ’ , and I had thought that a new Nour had been born who was made for me , designed for all my needs and desires , and we would be unchangingly happy together until the end of time .
14 ‘ Now , ’ she said steadily , ‘ I suggest for both our sakes we forget what happened here just now .
15 Is that the general , I mean I do n't know for all you car drivers have any thing to say about public transport , maybe you do n't know any more but those of you who use it , I mean is hopeless the general view ? , yes
16 However , to the CNAA 's surprise , a number of institutions has indicated that they wish to take advantage of the new procedures by proposing special arrangements which would , in effect , provide for all their courses to be validated by a method other than the normal one .
17 I long for all my people their lives to humbly search .
18 It has a slide show facility to quickly flick through all your pictures plus many other drawing tools .
19 He enjoys it all with equal enthusiasm , and when I visited him in a small hut on Denham airfield where he was instructing ab initio pilots in Cessna 172s I detected the same dedication , pride and affection he has for all his aviation exploits .
20 My flight path ended on a small ledge , my hands still grasping Olympus camera which I had been cradling for all my worth , regardless of the blows striking my body from every angle .
21 He still has n't had it through , cos we were yes , yes , big improvement , it was just that we were arranging visiting and things like that and er whether there 's any need to do certain things , so er , but he 's still on a , he 's come off all his painkillers his morphine 's out completely , that 's fantastic is n't it ?
22 Forget about all your worries and concentrate on the bright and dazzling prospects that lie ahead for someone as ingenious , industrious and invitingly delicious as you !
23 The simple form of this argument is that new technology is so enormously labour-saving that we will never again need full employment to provide for all our needs .
24 I think you will find as you begin to write through all your senses , that your writing transforms itself into something more fully alive .
25 The conference : ‘ A place for all our children'
26 The findings were documented in a report A Place For All Our Children ( CCUF 1983 ) and an analysis was prepared of the practical and bureaucratic problems in gaining an ordinary childcare place for a child with special needs , with suggestions for how these might be overcome .
27 At the end of 1987 , three years after the conference ‘ A place For All Our Children ’ , one council day centre offered a place to a child with a ‘ learning difficulty ’ .
28 Gail now lives with her widowed mother who looks after all her needs .
29 And he still looks after all his race entry forms .
30 As Donna Cassidy who looks after all our recordings in Dublin says once a hit always a hit you know .
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