Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun pl] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 as if by magic , a stereo disc or tape heard through headphones produces a surround of sound .
2 By keeping in personnel files a clear record of all known episodes of : absenteeism and poor time-keeping. ii .
3 The part of this division relating to instruments explains the processes by which primary and secondary legislation is produced and such matters as commencement and extent .
4 Our current legislation relating to elections restricts the right to vote and to be to British and other commonwealth citizens and citizens of the Irish republic .
5 The 40% of American murders committed without firearms scars the United States with a non-gun murder rate of 3.48 victims per 100,000 , exceeding the total European rate .
6 Since there is no suggestion that their perception of their own situations may itself be explicable in holist terms , the two accounts are distinct , but are also complementary ; the conceptual space occupied by agents reflects the constraints under which they labour .
7 Jazz Chants for Children provides a way of teaching the rhythm , stress , and intonation of American English which will keep children enthralled .
8 After each paragraph of information , which is introduced by a dash , the sentence written in italics gives the kind of explanation a supervisor would give the new assistant .
9 The idea is that a race of animals that regularly erupts in plagues gains the benefit of alternately " swamping " and starving its enemies , predators or parasites .
10 The pattern seen among women suggests the possibility of such an effect , but the low number of cases occurring seven years after start of cimetidine use or longer ( only six ) and the absence of any effect in men speak against the interpretation of the association as being casual .
11 The realistic answer must be ‘ no ’ , although this does not defeat the argument of Richardson ( 1985 ) among others , that the drastic loss of civic rights suffered by prisoners puts a duty upon the state to compensate by giving them ‘ special rights ’ when incarcerated .
12 In Chapter 1 it was suggested that Mean Length of Utterance ( MLU ) measured in morphemes provides a useful summary of the normal child 's mastery of grammatical structure .
13 A chamber open to visitors displays an Early Bronze Age beaker burial , and magnificent views take in the mountains of Arran , the Trossachs , the Bass Rock in the Firth of Forth , and the Border hills .
14 The new package being offered to farmers includes the supply of quality calves reared under contract from ; financial assistance from the Bank ; animal feed ; and marketing of the end product .
15 A paper produced by officials lists a number of options about how to cope with the influx of gas and says ‘ long-term players ’ are needed to provide ‘ genuine self-sustaining competition ’ .
16 Firstly , although referral patterns will reflect individual practice , continued use of dilatation and curettage by gynaecologists reinforces the notion for general practitioners and patients that it is appropriate treatment for menstrual irregularity in women under 40 .
17 The hospital services used by patients includes the time spent in the operating theatre ; medical , nursing and hotel services provided on the ward , services provided in out patient checks and injection endoscopy procedures , units of blood , and prescribed drugs .
18 Producing furniture that is to be used and enjoyed for decades requires a corresponding attention to detail .
19 The treatment of the confession as a factor triggering reinvestigation could , in time , import into police practices the fruits of useful research that has been conducted by psychologists and sociologists on the subject .
20 TOMORROW 'S GARDENS SEASONS GREETINGS Perfect plants for year-round displays SUCCEED WITH HOLLIES Berries every time with our simple guide WIN A COMPLETE SET OF ‘ POWER ’ TOOLS SENSATIONAL NEW SEEDS for 1993 Make a Christmas decoration for your door IDEA-PACKED PAGES OF GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY
21 The question of how illuminators knew what paintings to put into manuscripts forms the core of Professor Alexander 's book .
22 The world of business is also aware of the power of sexual scent — that lovely aroma of freshly baked bread you get in stores has the same chemical structure as the smell of human semen .
23 Turkish researchers have discovered that the juice extracted from radishes has a powerful inhibitory effect on the germination of weed seeds .
24 Midnight sunlight shining through fogs gives the GISP2 drill tower a halo on summer nights .
25 Travelling with yaks needs a certain kind of nerve as they can be mean and quarrelsome animals : perhaps that is why Peter Somerville-Large named the two hairy four-foots who allowed him to travel with them through Nepal and Tibet , Mucker and Sod .
26 Travelling in queues reduces the drag of the water on any one individual , except for the leader .
27 By contrast , written language found in books has no such contextual support .
28 Current staffing levels are low in the SG 's and time spent on tours puts a further strain on this situation .
29 Implicitly the notion of family care provided by daughters assumes a specific model of family life , most notably a stable nuclear family with a non-working female at home able to provide care .
30 Part-time work to help pay for studies shows a positive attitude , resourcefulness , hard work , discipline and valuable experience of the working world .
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