Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I think that 's why I got through life as well as I did .
2 erm well would , w w would anybody want to advocate that , yes , the option was to go for collectivization fairly quickly ?
3 Centuries after their creation , we intervene to limit the deterioration of frescoes , painted panels , canvases or marbles , and to preserve for posterity not just an empty shell but the enduring substance of a work of art .
4 It 's just I mean as philosophy just very standardly takes words from ordinary language gradually gets a technical meaning , er which is different from the original meaning and then when ordinary speakers use it in the original meaning they get told off .
5 The refugee was one of several people travelling on false documents who , when detained in the UK , asked for asylum not only from their countries of origin but also from Germany .
6 If students asked for help too often , marks were deducted .
7 CIC is already one of the world leaders in pen operating systems , having produced PenDOS , an environment specifically designed for use not only in developing totally new pen based applications , but also for transforming existing mouse driven DOS and Windows applications so that they can become ‘ pen aware ’ .
8 But , are they now being blamed for pollution only partly caused by their activities ?
9 Cook for minute then gradually add the milk , stirring well .
10 With mathematics and the natural sciences occupying such a dominant position in the culture of modern society , other forms of thought are obliged to jockey for position somewhere behind .
11 But I 'd never thought of us as really having to worry about money that much ; certainly I was used to getting more or less what I wanted and had come to think of this virtually as a right , the way only children are apt to if their parents are anything other than actively hostile to them .
12 Her younger brother John 's early death and the missionary fervour aroused by the death of David Livingstone [ q.v. ] in 1873 , spurred Mary into applying for work further afield .
13 ‘ It looks like Mossycop down there . ’ ’
14 Accordingly , if Mr. Lassman is correct , that kind of activity of going straight to the in-house computer and extracting confidential information from it could be committed with impunity so far as the three offences in this Act are concerned .
15 In the early decades of the century it had been widely assumed that the distinct geographical provinces of the modern world had only come into existence quite recently in geological terms .
16 So my reading of the evidence so far is that they did n't want a body lying around on the river bed , where it might come up sometime , or perhaps even be found by divers , but they wanted him carried under water well out to sea . "
17 That 's put you in your place , my girl ; Roman had n't even enquired how she was — their lovemaking had already vanished into limbo as far as he was concerned .
18 They seemed to come into focus only slowly , a silent mass of tightly packed yellow faces glistening with perspiration ; scores of dark eyes had been watching him unwaveringly all the time , but their expressions remained uniformly blank .
19 I was in love before I left England and the hope of marriage was such a spur that with help from the two Williams , I was able to pass with distinction not only two , but three exams .
20 In 1936 it looked as if the game had finally made a breakthrough when a national competition , involving teams from Gorky , Minsk , Baku and Moscow , was organised ; but someone at the Kremlin decreed that rugby was a capitalist pastime , and the game sank into oblivion once again .
21 Neutrinos are elusive particles which interact with matter so rarely that large bodies of material are often needed to detect them .
22 His distress could have been alleviated with treatment far earlier if he had been diverted into the hospital system straight from the police station , or direct from the court , rather than via prison .
23 He pointed out that schools which took up the offer would not know in advance how much the discount would save them .
24 I think its possible to fall in love with the same person more than once , you fall in love with them and you get married for that as well as other reasons perhaps , and then you have children and you hardly see them really for the next ten years , at least this is what every one sort of understands and then and then erm and then when you have more time again you can fall in love all over again with exactly the same person , I think this happens to lots of people , which also does n't happen to a lot of people so you have n't
25 I do n't believe you could fall in love so fast .
26 I 'd like to work in photography now instead of you know erm going to college and spending four years at college .
27 Laing knew it was a sentence ; never to work in banking ever again , anywhere in the world .
28 Recommendations regarding placement will need to bear in mind not only a child 's existing abilities , but also the progress a child is likely to make in different educational settings .
29 And I think the other thing that 's important to bear in mind as well as far as logging 's concerned is that a lot of the poor slash-and-burn cultivators that come in have come along roads that the logging companies have built , and these provide easy access , say straight into the heart of the Amazon or what ever .
30 The most important things to bear in mind as far as voice is concerned are the frequency of use of active , passive , and similar structures in the source and target languages , their respective stylistic value in different text types , and — most important of all — the function(s) of the passive and similar structures in each language .
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