Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] from [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This limited degree of representation was in an important sense imposed from above , rather than actively won through struggle from below , in the same way that the 1947 Constitution was imposed by the US occupation .
2 The town was also successful in attaining Safer City status and beat off competition from all over the United Kingdom to become Britain 's second Environment City , he said .
3 Characteristically , they ranged in size from about 1,000 to 4,000 people in the early years of Victoria 's reign , but the ones that were administrative , legal or ecclesiastical centres as well as market towns were sometimes larger than that .
4 Counties ranged in population from about 2 million ( Lancashire ) to less that 30,000 ( Rutland ) ; county boroughs ranged from over 1 million ( Birmingham ) to 33,000 ( Canterbury ) — less than the minimum population stipulated in 1888 .
5 The Time of Troubles had further weakened their position , and as the Duma swelled in size from about 30 in the 1620s to almost 180 in the 1680s , the old families found themselves dissolving among the parvenus .
6 Districts varied in population from over 120,000 to under 2,000 , with one-third falling in the range between 10,000 and 20,000 ( all figures from Redcliffe-Maud 1969:Vol. 1 Annex 4 ) .
7 Contains a unique collection of historical toys , books , costumes and items relating to childhood from all over the world .
8 It is almost obligatory that the private-eye should be a person who looks at society from below , as contrasted with the Great Detective who certainly hovered over the world of murder from high above .
9 ‘ — that cherubic infant , ’ continued Anne , ‘ I should dance for joy from here to Westminster ! ’
10 At the top of the stairs between the two galleries Donna paused and peered into the thick shadows , listening for movement from either above or below .
11 And that is why , th with the government talking about , and they 're talking about authority why should they be looking for money from anywhere , when after all , the youth of today are the pensioners to , of tomorrow , and it 's only our duty to look after them .
12 At the end of May 1946 a UN Subcommittee report opined that the Franco regime was " a potential threat to international peace and security " but advised against interference from outside .
13 The results were met with astonishment from both Brazauskas and Landsbergis .
14 The liberals were democrats , while the afrancesados believed in reform from above .
15 Clusters range in size from fairly restricted features such as Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic , to much more extensive volcanic groups covering a considerable area such as the Azores in the North Atlantic and the Galapagos Islands in the eastem Pacific .
16 Units range in size from c. 660 sq ft to c. 860 sq ft and are available immediately on attractive annual rentals with low service charge and minimal overheads .
17 In mid-metaphase , mouse chromosomes range in length from about 2 to 5 μm .
18 In 1731 the old custom of using Latin for legal records came to an end , but in practice many manorial records were written in English from much earlier times .
19 It is characterised by one or more so-called ‘ opportunistic ’ infections-often including a serious form of pneumonia-which may be accompanied by Kaposi 's sarcoma — a rare cancer ranging in severity from relatively manageable skin lesions to major organ involvement .
20 Inventive , original and often very funny , Sarah Stewart 's work will be seen in abundance from now on .
21 The fountain in the park was an enchantment , with the orchestra at the beginning iridescent , all seen in reflection from afar .
22 Indeed , an important element in the BUF was provided by those who came to fascism from outside the traditional party spectrum and who had little or no previous political experience .
23 The feelings of the young hon. Member for Gedling ( Mr. Mitchell ) about the way in which local government has broken up were expressed subjectively and I suspect that he will not agree with me when I say that they seemed to date from about 1979 — and we know what happened in 1979 when the hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) was first elected .
24 In making the choice , the selection conference in the case of the Labour Party , and the constituency executive in the case of the Conservative Party , are not easily moved by pressure from outside and even the leaders of the parties have found it hard to get close friends and political associates nominated .
25 Nor was I waiting for rescue from above .
26 ‘ You mean you can see into reception from there ? ’ said Vic .
27 Information is drawn in part from regularly published data sources , compiled either by the RIBA or by the Government , and in part from specific surveys .
28 These usually circular or oval grass covered wall foundations occur all over the island and vary in size from about ten feet to forty feet in diameter and can be found alone or in small groups .
29 It seems unlikely that much was imported , but a walk on the shores of the west coast of the island will discover many pebbles of flint amongst the others , and they vary in size from very small ones , too small to use , to the occasional large one bigger than the largest grapefruit .
30 In celebration of his new appointment Mozart apparently intended to write a large scale missa solemnis in D minor , of which one movement , a Kyrie previously thought to date from much earlier in his career , survives .
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