Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [be] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For example , it has been criticized for being unable to deal with problems of unemployment , which continued to rise throughout the 1980s .
2 The jury in the Mona Bauwens libel case have been discharged after being unable to reach a majority verdict .
3 I had chosen to join the 10th Battalion of the Parachute Regiment , and the preliminary training evenings were geared towards physical exercise , getting us ready for ‘ P Company ’ , the tests which every aspiring paratrooper , territorial or regular , had to pass before being able to wear his coveted maroon beret .
4 Much of the expertise of a museum curator or an archaeologist lies in being able to offer a reasonably accurate identification of an object just on the basis of looking at it and handling it .
5 Personal R:Base has been designed to be simple to learn and use , which is true to a certain extent , as manipulating data in a pre-created database is almost self explanatory .
6 Personal R:Base has been designed to be simple to learn and use , which is true to a certain extent , as manipulating data in a pre-created database is almost self explanatory .
7 Bernstock & Speirs ' hats are designed to be easy to wear .
8 Martek is well known for its innovative drill accessories , and we are offering two of the most useful products in the company 's range this month , both designed to be easy to use , but very precise in operation .
9 The whole problem was compounded by the fact that the first successful desktop publishing system was based on the Macintosh ; a computer designed to be easy to use and , therefore , give the feeling of rapid achievement .
10 The trails have been designed to be fun to do but with an education purpose leading children around the museum .
11 So it was designed to be attractive to look at , but with curves , ovals and an absence of straight lines to make it difficult to swim in .
12 They are designed to be quick to prepare and even quicker to eat and as a result are highly desirable to anyone who has a busy lifestyle .
13 Or perhaps it proves that women tend to try to be attractive to upstage one another and they completely forget that men are going to find them attractive too . ’
14 In moral education , the young person needs to acquire sufficient knowledge and understanding to be able to make a mature , personal response to Jesus ' invitation in relation to judgements of moral value .
15 He derives much satisfaction from introducing someone to the sport and says : ‘ You do n't need to be strong to play it .
16 Of course , to write this sort of book you will need to be able to put yourself into such a central character 's mind .
17 I will need to be able to go anywhere without being stopped , ’ said Huy at last .
18 So , sure , we do need rote-learning , we do need to be able to say ‘ Three times four is twelve ’ , we must n't have to work it out on our fingers .
19 Patrick will join us in the organization , but for him to be able to work effectively , he will need to be able to move around freely . "
20 You will need a steady supply of up-to-date programmes if you are to exploit their topical nature and you will need to be able to preview regularly to select what is appropriate .
21 While the exercises in this book are quite small and it is possible to get around using the simple cursor movements alone , you should practise using the faster ones because in longer documents you will need to be able to use all the short cuts you can .
22 He may need to be able to use apparatus , and generally speaking science teachers are accustomed to explaining necessary points about its use and keeping a close watch on safety .
23 ( also known as education social worker ) Education welfare officers liaise with Social Services Departments and are responsible for the general well-being of school children , not only ensuring that they attend school regularly but also dealing with grants , allowances and services which they may need to be able to attend ( e.g. clothing , transport , free school meals ) .
24 Now , in terms of functional group isomerism I 'm gon na take a slightly different example right let's take this one here first of all I 've now started to do what the examiners will do now I 'll make them identical structures there somewhere and you really do need to be able to name them in order to see where they are or if they are .
25 Fourthly , each would need to be able to produce acts conditional on the other producing acts , thus securing the chains of interdependent acts typical of interaction .
26 In relation to professionals and other relevant individuals , the practitioner will need to be able to assimilate the different professional perspectives , negotiate around those perspectives if necessary , and co-ordinate the communications received from a variety of sources .
27 Nonetheless , all teachers will need to be able to understand how language operates , if we are to avoid the widespread condemnation of ‘ improper ’ speech , beliefs that Indians speak ‘ Indian ’ ( Linguistic Minorities Project , 1985 : 322 ) , and misunderstandings of the structure of English ( Bloor , 1986 ) , etc .
28 Management will therefore need to be able to have sufficient information to present an accurate account to the media .
29 The unfashionability of football kits is a fashionable topic but you do n't need to be able to recite the birthdays and middle names of every member of the England '66 squad to have an opinion .
30 As members of smaller groups within a larger community — a trade union or residents ' association , for instance — they will need to be able to function collectively through discussion , for example to represent or protect their interests .
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