Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun] [coord] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Where the term breached is a less important term , a warranty , breach merely entitles the victim of it to sue for damages and does not allow the victim to end the contract .
2 I would like to make a few comments , as a mainly urban cyclist who also rides for recreation and covers about 9,000 miles a year .
3 Originally an all-purpose type , it was later developed for milk and yields now average about 3,500kg at a little over 4 per cent butterfat .
4 As long as the Bill goes through Committee and receives a Third Reading , the King 's Cross project will go ahead regardless of the timing of the link between the channel tunnel and London .
5 I asked for names and addresses so that I might pass on details to the police .
6 Mr French had to be treated for shock and cuts in hospital .
7 It is useful because our aim is to see through questions and answers about ‘ Other Minds ’ .
8 Since it is only by understanding his own fact-presupposing explanation of the meaning of pain-language that we can hope to see through questions and answers about ‘ Other Minds ’ , let us consider the positive side of his teaching first .
9 BELOW It is difficult to categorize some rock paintings and carvings as they can be regarded as sites or finds .
10 Central Office complains that the government is blamed for recession but gets no credit for recovery .
11 Mrs E , 47 , dependent on tranquillisers , wants to come off medication but fears her original problems may occur .
12 Former policeman Grant , a sociology student when Julie met him six years ago , stays at home , looks after Maisie and keeps house .
13 Equation ( 5.60 ) ignores the current yield effect : all payments are assumed to be received on the basis of par , and this understates the value of the coupon for FRNs trading below par and overstates the value when they are trading above par .
14 Now retired , Gordon Hampton lives near Sheffield and continues to take an active interest in the RAF as President of the Sheffield branch of the RAF Association .
15 As yet unfamiliar to a British audience , they are Darren Largo from this country , and two German sculptors , Werner Haypeter and Gloria Friedman , who lives near Dijon and has been the subject of a recent exhibition at the Moderne Kunst Museum in Vienna .
16 Lord Zetland who lives near Ripon and lists his recreations as horse-racing and lawn tennis but not mountaineering was in the team for the second year .
17 Materials are generally stainless steel , porcelain-covered cast iron , or the new plastic substance which looks like marble and makes a neat and effective all-in-one counter and sink .
18 He looks like hell and sounds awful … the nascent Mancunian drawl is weak and strained , his hands shake , and there 's a muscle by his jaw that keeps twitching violently every time there 's a lull in the conversation
19 He looks like hell and sounds awful , but then , as he 's the first to admit , he always did .
20 English mustard is a yellow powder which is mixed with water and consists of a mixture of black and white mustard seeds .
21 The proportion of responders achieving independence from parents rose with age and suggests that independence is delayed rather than prevented by the presence of cystic fibrosis .
22 Oxfam is regularly approached with inventions and has not yet decided whether it will be able to do something with the ’ friendly fuel ’ .
23 However , one major difference has been that the mind of an individual develops with time and becomes better at the tasks it undertakes , whereas computers , with certain limited exceptions , perform at the same level of ability until replaced by a better machine or a better program .
24 Is the more optimistic forecast to be made of the dutiful immature girl who has some mildly appreciative responses , knows her books and has paid careful attention to what she has been told to think , but who has few independent ideas and writes with neither firmness nor joy ; or of the mature and independent boy , who may not have studied his notes or perhaps his texts so thoroughly , but who has a sense of relevance , whose judgements are valid , who writes with assurance and betrays in his style … that he has made a genuine engagement with the literature he has encountered ?
25 Suppliers margins have therefore come under pressure but has positioned itself to face up to this ongoing challenge .
26 Since NC protein interacts with DNA and has nucleic acid annealing activities , an additional role during reverse transcription could be envisioned .
27 At an inclusive cost per golfer of £50 , the Academy day starts with breakfast and includes tuition given on an individual basis ; a group lesson ; a four-course lunch with wine ; Stableford competition and a champagne reception and prize-giving .
28 It is fairly difficulty to work with machinery and has a moderate blunting effect on cutting edges .
29 So dressed and fed , he bites with sarcasm and slashes with ridicule the class that despises him . ’
30 Some of them are renegades from the Dwarf Engineers Guild which frowns upon innovation and regards much of the Empire 's new technology as a heinous break with ancient tradition .
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