Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 WHEN TEA was taken at 3.10 on the final afternoon of the first Test , even the more fervent student for the long game could have been forgiven for switching to automatic pilot .
2 Against a Bristol side content to cruise through experimenting with back-row moves and threequarter combinations , Irish too often fumbled and scrambled .
3 As fat lesbians we are negated for deviating from alternative womanly ideals .
4 That was the compliment I got for putting on red nail varnish .
5 Gotti had been prosecuted on three previous occasions — while the current trial was in progress the foreman of the jury in the 1987 trial was indicted for conspiring with Gotti to return a not guilty verdict in exchange for $60,000 — and had been acquitted each time .
6 On Nov. 26 Duane Clarridge , former CIA chief of European operations , was indicted for lying to congressional investigators about the Iran-contra scandal .
7 The advantage of this method is that it is a multivariate technique which allows an analysis of the relationship between unemployment and imprisonment to be examined after controlling for other factors such as crime levels , numbers of convictions , and age structure of the population , which might affect the rate of incarceration .
8 Five patients were withdrawn after responding to diuretic treatment alone .
9 The latter would have overall administrative control and would be responsible to MEHQ for advising on technical and operational matters .
10 It may seem obvious to suggest that the level of understanding about purchasing among general practitioners and primary health care teams is extremely varied , but primary care has a long history of suffering from being physically distanced from other parts of the service and the discussions taking place there .
11 A NORTH-EAST ice-cream firm was yesterday fined for operating in unclean premises .
12 I juggle between putting on lucrative foreign language courses for the business world and at the same time offering a flexible service to the community , while maintaining and promoting tutors .
13 Until 1861 a man could hang for engaging in homosexual relations , and as recently as the early 1970s many doctors still regarded homosexuality as an illness to be treated by electric shock therapy .
14 Cos otherwise it looks like writing to random M Ps .
15 The success of ‘ Schtoom ’ , along with its successor ‘ Shift/High And Dry ’ and Gypsy 's current ‘ I Trance You ’ looks like continuing with Deep Piece 's bold and brassy ‘ Bup Bup Birri Birri ’ .
16 Wendy : ( butting in still occupied with thought of new flat mate . )
17 But then the record company comparisons started to appear with regard to new material : ‘ Well , it 's not as good as … ’
18 ( 1981 ) reported with regard to spatial performance that deficits occurred only after right sided lesions in familial left handers .
19 If change is necessary , evaluation should also assist in discriminating among rival possibilities .
20 The social anthropologist is equally , of course , an entrepreneur whose special expertise lies in mediating between exotic cultures and his own , and he has the same vested interests as other go-betweens .
21 Er , on paragraph nine the government 's own figures show that there is a shortfall of glee while the others who have a a social conscience , a and that they 've mixed , the site provision is n't keeping pace with the growth of the number of caravans and yet , what it 's proposing to do in this paper will make the situation worse by removing any incentive erm and any requirement on local authorities actually to provide the sites that are needed to make up that shortfall and it 's quite clear that what this is about is actually what it is happening in housing in general and that is shifting provision from the pri , from the public to the private sector .
22 Supported by incessant air attacks and a heavy bombardment from the sea , each of the allied thrusts succeeded in breaking through Iraqi defences .
23 Two men , however , both of whom came from Cardiff , succeeded in enlisting for different regiments .
24 I was returning from shopping with 17-month-old Lee in his push-chair when a large brown dog attacked , snarling at the feet of my terrified infant .
25 Only a few weeks after returning from playing with polar bears in Spitsbergen , I was soaking up the sun in the Seychelles .
26 His principal sexual enjoyment seemed to come from sleeping with young boys and his one foray into a heterosexual relationship ended dismally with his middle-aged paramour complaining , ‘ I ca n't seem to make him understand that biting 's no good . ’
27 Some women did not register because they were discouraged from looking for paid work because of the poor state of the economy .
28 This had no very radical consequences : it was dropped after a few years , Diodorus says ( xi.87 ) , because too many of the prominent citizens were thereby discouraged from engaging in political life .
29 Here the difficulty I found in talking about psychoanalytic criticism is compounded , not because I am an unbeliever , but because anything that the middle-aged male commentator says about feminism is liable to be wrong : to be approving may be condemned as patronizing , and to be critical is to be sexist .
30 On Oct. 19 the jopint UN-IAEA Special Commission on Iraqi disarmament had maintained in a report to the UN Security Council that it remained constrained from going beyond preparatory work on weapons inspection and verification until Iraq agreed to comply with such monitoring " on the Council 's , not Iraq 's terms " .
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