Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It goes it goes through Manchester and it goes through Carlisle it does n't stop .
2 Pragmatism has also played a part here and when convenient the DST has been willing to do deals with other countries trading off information it has obtained from opposing factions in the Middle East .
3 Since the war , each time the Conservative Party has come into power it has extolled the virtues of the market .
4 Mr Smith — a pessimist — starts to worry in case it rains , the car breaks down , they are plagued by insects or one of the children gets lost .
5 Now we 've got to race against time again , this is not just happening in NUPE it 's happened all over and it 's gon na it 's happening in this union before it starts .
6 But because it is happening in Africa it has received little attention .
7 The jury hearing the suit was unable to reach a decision and although the six-month trial was reported in England it did not destroy his reputation .
8 But the company accepts in effect it has just five weeks to find half a million pounds .
9 But I wish to relate to the council a particular episode , which I hope will convey something to those people who are perhaps still wavering erm , and whilst we all have principle stands on issues it behoves us as members to consider the views of our constituents and the sorts of things that take place in our wards .
10 When lead is added to petrol it improves a car 's performance by increasing the octane rating .
11 Erm with a thing like this , I mean what I usually say to people it depends on erm if you 've got a lot of numerical data , oh you might as well have this back for the time being so
12 Unfortunately , as it stands at present it has many deficiencies , because :
13 At one time so many people from the area were hanged at Newgate it had been nicknamed Jack Ketch 's Warren , and according to Paddy it had been known for as many as forty constables to march down with cutlasses to control disturbances .
14 Surrounded by woodland it seems set in a pocket of secluded spaciousness , watched only by wood pigeons and squirrels .
15 Though the commission could buy by agreement it had to have effective powers of compulsory purchase if it was ‘ to ensure that the right land is made available at the right time ’ .
16 Stephen drove south by the main road and as he came through Goughdale it occurred to him that the yellow Volkswagen might still be there .
17 It initiated liquidation proceedings after the sum it was owed for components it had supplied reached £2.1 million .
18 Equally if you 've got erm I do n't know what other kinds of differences you might want to erm er look for but again if you 're looking for differences it helps if there 's about sort of twenty people in each of the groups sort of thing .
19 Complexed with GTP it carries the aminoacyl-tRNA to the A site of the ribosome·mRNA·peptidyl-tRNA complex ; upon hydrolysis of GTP it leaves the ribosome as EF-1α·GDP .
20 But in meeting with Kosygin it became clear to Razak that the Soviet Union would prefer its own larger collective security agreement , which would embrace Japan , Pakistan and India as well as the smaller states .
21 Since the Board are entering into a Scheme for adult education in co-operation with the LEA in Cambridgeshire much in the same way ( as ) had been done in Bedfordshire it seems as if it might be best for the Board to be recognised as the Responsible Body for this type of course .
22 More frequently the deposit of a hoard must be dated from coins it contains which are independently datable , if there are any .
23 Reactions have been mixed , ranging from love it to loathe it .
24 The visual splendour and durability of gold which made it an outstanding symbol of excellence were matched by the fact that however widely distributed and keenly sought in nature it has remained rare .
25 Dot fingered her victory badge and tried not to listen in case it seemed like prying .
26 If it is to sell in Japan it has to be in the form , and of the characteristics , that the Japanese wish and require .
27 Imagine , he finally splutters , ’ all these little rich old ladies listening to techno It looks like Detroit is finally recognising its brightest new industry .
28 The world has turned to places it regards as more important , and Afghanistan has been left to its civil war .
29 The origins of this ancient structure are lost in antiquity : according to legend it replaced a fifth-century fortress occupied by Uther Pendragon , a man of great influence and supposedly the father of King Arthur .
30 According to Lotta it had been Rune who had stormed out , taking the painting with him , which meant what ?
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